المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : 6th grade midterm.doc اختبار شهرين ف2

2015-04-13, 20:13
اختبار الشهرين لغة انجلزية للصف الادس فصل ثاني

6th Grade
Section ( )

State of Palestine

Teacher: Imad Sh. Atawneh
2nd semester
English for Palestine

1)Read this and then answer the questions that follow:
Ben’s mum took the children to the doctor’s. The children had colds. They should go home and stay in bed until they feel better.
Omar’s mum, Rania and Omar were also at the doctor’s. Omar had flu and Rania had a sore throat. The doctor gave them some medicine.

1- Complete: ( 5 points )
a- ________________________ took the children to the doctor’s.
b- Omar had ___________________ and Rania had a ________________________ .
c- The _______________ gave them some __________________________ .

2- True / false : ( 2 points )
a- The doctor gave the children some food . ( )
b- Ben and Amy had colds. ( )

3- Refers to: ( 2 points )
a- They:_____________________ b- them:_________________________.
______________________________________________________________________ ______

2) a- Circle the correct words. ( 2.5 points )

a- The Dead Sea is 400 metres by / below sea level.
b- An oasis / A spring is a place in a desert and it has lots of trees.
c- Have you ever used flippers? No, I’ve never / ever used flippers.
d- Ben has sailed in a boat / ship.
e- Bilal has watched bats / birds flying out of a cave.
______________________________________________________________________ ________

3) a- Circle the correct words: ( 3.5 points )

1- Have you ever floated / float in the Dead Sea?
2-Ben and Amy both have / has colds.
3- Have you ever see / seen a jerboa?
4- Omar has never used / use goggles and flippers.
5- Rania and Amy have ride / ridden camels and horses.
6- Amy has / have coughed all day.
7- Omar’s mum said, ‘Omar’s been sick for / since last night.’

b- Write he Arabic meaning: ( 8 points )

sore throat: ______________ mud: ___________________ thirsty: _______________
desert: ________________ cave: __________________ fever: ________________

sail:______________________ oasis: ________________

b- Complete the sentences with correct words. ( 4 points )

1-Ben has__________________________ ( sail ) in a boat.

2- Omar has________________________ ( swim ) under the water.

3- Hassan has_______________________ ( see ) a beautiful sunset.

4- Bilal has_________________________ ( watch ) bats flying at night.

______________________________________________________________________ ________

4) Write correct sentences. ( 3 points )

1- ive never climbed a tree
______________________________________________________________________ _____

2- oh dear you dont look very well
______________________________________________________________________ _______

3- good morning how long have you been sick
______________________________________________________________________ _______




2015-04-16, 18:24

2015-10-26, 14:05
thanks alot

النمر الاحمر
2015-10-27, 09:29

هيثم ابو
2015-10-29, 14:07
مشكور اخي

رناد دويكات
2015-11-07, 17:35
مشكورwe (9)we (9)

اهل الرباط
2015-12-12, 13:28
روعه مشكورين عالجهود النيرة :) :) :) :)

2016-06-13, 16:30