المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : خطة انجليزي صف عاشر فصل 2

استاذ احمد
2016-03-24, 00:13
خطة انجليزي صف عاشر فصل 2



Time Unit and cons

7 Palestine: Holy Land to the world
– narrating past events
– requesting and giving directions
– planning a visit and writing a letter to explain the plan
Vocabulary: AD (Anno Domini), archaeological, ascend, BC (Before Christ), Christianity, destination, dome, golden, Heaven, inion, Judaism, monotheistic, pilgrim, resort / architectural, importance, introduction, remains, wonder afterwards, alter, capture, defend, effect, let, magnificent, original, prevent, tight, vehicle, wealth /
rebuild, largely, surprising
Structure: transitive and intransitive verbs; present and past simple passive; passive with or without by + agent; present and past perfect passive
Pronunciation: intonation in requests
Writing: parts of a personal letter

8 Good news from the doctors
– reporting what others say and said
– summarizing changes in modern medicine
– giving and writing down phone messages
Vocabulary: anxious(ly), diary, event, fill, hole, put off, rapid(ly), reason, recover, relieved, shocked, suffer /
deeply, operate, worrying, basic, bend, bionic, brain, care, college, connect, high-tech, point out, ramp, wheelchair, whereas / development, discovery, invention
Structure: reported statements and requests; reported Yes/No and Wh questions; reported statements with tense changes
Pronunciation: word stress
Writing: reporting verbs

9 Which way at 16?
– expressing what
might have happened differently
– describing alternative courses of action now
– completing a personal statement
Vocabulary: academic, apply, career, carpenter, determined, literary, practical, qualification, stream, such as, technical, vocational, whatever / ability, competitive, organization, organize, scientific, specialize (in) beyond, education, exist, general(ly) (speaking), generation, goods, limited, manager, opportunity, responsible(ly), stressful / decision, possibility, programmer, technician
Structure: Type 0, Type 1 and Type 2 conditionals; Type 3 conditionals
Pronunciation: the sounds of o
Writing: two-word nouns

Time Unit and cons

10 Healthy eating –
healthy body
– talking about healthier life choices
– expressing preferences
– introducing a Palestinian dish to a visitor
Vocabulary: balanced diet, calorie, contain, fuel, likely, make up for, nutrient, on the other hand, overweight, pie, portion, teenager (teen) / daily, surprising(ly)
& (and), average, bean, bone, calcium, carbohydrate, consist of, fibre, pasta, pineapple, protein, spinach, vitamin, yogurt / , filling, gram, strength, strengthen, topping
Structure: countable and uncountable nouns in indefinite, definite and generic forms; purpose with (in order / so as) to, so that
Pronunciation: strong and weak sounds together
Writing: create topic sentences and assemble related information into four paragraphs.

11 Strange events
– describing possible actions in imaginary situations
– noting and checking details on the phone
Vocabulary: among, appear, by far, describe, edge, fake, frightening, hump, increase, monster, mysterious, object, still, Loch Ness, the Loch Ness Monster / depth, film, fisherman, warn, carry out, echo, fan, gather, genuine, meanwhile, record, shark, steady/ ily, surface, thorough(ly) / creature, mystery, underwater
Structure: defining relative clauses, used with subject and object relative pronouns; non-defining relative clauses
Pronunciation: intonation in requests and questions
Writing: abbreviations, notes and expanding notes

12 Talking about tomorrow’s world
– predicting the future
– stating plans, making reports about the future
– presenting an important problem
Vocabulary: actual(ly), all over, avoid, cruel, fail, improve, oppress, particular(ly), starve, survive, true / disastrous, decrease, force, peaceful(ly), prevention, achieve, atmosphere, available, coal, despite, form, fossil fuel, gas, manage, pressure, resource / effective, growth, pollute, use
Structure: passive with mixed tenses; future passive with will and going to; passive with modal verbs Pronunciation: the sounds of a
Writing: parts of a formal letter