المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : امتحان نهاية الفصل الثاني صف رابع لغة نجليزية

خالد رزق
2016-05-01, 16:00
4th Grade Final Exam Second Semester

امتحان الصف الرابع الاساسي لغة الانجليزية نهائي فصل ثاني



Al-Mutasim Billah Elem Boys B School
English Exam for fourth Grade –final

______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________
1-Listen and circle: (listening)
a- mosque Bethlehem church mount
b- butter sugar flour Friday
c- fork nuts spoon sugar
d- Haifa Akka Hebron holiday
e- milk cake egg mix
______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________
2- listen and number:

______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________
1-Complete the following dialogue : (speaking)
Rana: …………………………,Lina.
Lina:……………………. do you buy ……………….?
Rana: At the ………………………. .
Lina: ……………… me . Where is the baker?
Rana: It's on the ………………………….
Lina: ……………………………….. you.
______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________
1-Read the following passage and answer :- (reading)
Lina's grandfather has a farm. It has a horse,ducks,cows, and sheep. Last Monday Lina's family went to the farm. Lina collected the eggs.

a- Put (/ ) or ( x ) :
1- Lina’s aunt has a farm ( ).
2- There are a horse,ducks,cows, and sheep in the farm ( ).
3- . Last Friday Lina’s family went to the farm ( ).

b- Answer:
1- When did Lina’s family go to the farm?
2- What did lina do there?

a- We're going to visit the Dead Sea - to see the Mount Carmel.
b-I'm going to visit Haifa - to see the Church of the Nativity.
c-We're going to visit Jerusalem -to see Al-Jazzar Mosque.
d- I'm going to visit Akka -to swim in it.
e- I'm going to visit the Dead Sea -to visit the Dome of the Rock.

______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________
1-Order and write: (writing)
a-never – bed – go – I – late
b-can – dance- We – dabka
c- is - The – on – the – right – butcher's
……………………………………………………………………………………………………….______________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ __
swimming– fox–giraffe –tennis –football– basketball – lion - horse

Sports Animals

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orsehsucskd hepseosgd

………………………. ………………………. ………………………. ………………………….
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Jerusalem is the capital of Palestine .
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