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مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : امتحان الصف الحادي عشر لغة انجليزية نهاية الفصل الثاني علمي وادبي 2018

2018-05-08, 11:45
امتحان الاول ثانوي ادبي وعلمي لغة انجليزية
امتحان نهاية الفصل الدراسي الثاني لمبحث اللغة الانجليزية – للعام الدراسي
الصف: الحادي عشر/ فرع العلوم الانسانية + الفرع العلمي
الورقة الأولى

تحميل الملف وورد من الرابط


Reading and comprehension (30 marks)
Read the passage and answer the questions that follow:
Highly intelligent stories
Some people worry that folk tales and fairy stories encourage children to believe things that can't happen in the real world. The highly praised children's writer Gillian Poulson couldn't disagree more .Stories, she says ,help to develop a child's imagination .'One of the main points of these stories ',she explains, 'is that they don’t happen in the real world .Once children have visited the other world stories describe ,they are never quite the same. They learn to question the world they see around them ,and perhaps to change it.'
She's not alone in this opinion . The great scientist Albert Einstein once said :'If you want your children to be intelligent , read them fairy tales .If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales .' Research has shown that children who grow up hearing , and later reading ,stories are much more likely to get good exam results, not just in language but also in maths and science.
Gillian Poulson thinks the reason why children love fairy tales is quite simple . They just want to know what happens next . Folk tales or fairy stories are especially good for this because they don't normally have anything extra to get in the way. You don’t need to know what the character is feeling or thinking , just what they do next . So you can start your story with something like "Once upon a time there was a poor old woman who lived in a forest with her son". and that's it . You don’t need to say where the forest was or why they were poor. They don’t even need to have names .What did they do? That's the only important part.'
Stories, then , are good for children. First by hearing them , and later by reading them independently , we learn that language is for sharing ideas and having fun. But Gillian has a warning for parents and teachers .'Don't tell them it's good for them , and certainly don’t encourage them to read books that you think they should. There's no quicker way to make them not want to read.'
1)Answer the following questions: (4 points)
1) Why do some people worry about folk tales and fairy stories?
2) According to Gillian Poulson, why do children love fairy tales?
3) What is language used for?
4) What is Gillian's warning for parents and teachers?

اقلب الصفحة – 1 –
تابع الحادي عشر علمي – علوم إنسانية – 2 -
2) Complete the following sentences: (4 points)
1) Stories help to develop…………………………………… ………………….. .
2) Once children have visited the other worlds stories describe, they………………….
3) Albert Einstein advised parents to……………………………….
4) The only important part in fairy tales is…………………………………
3) Decide whether the following are true or false: (4 points)
a) Gillian Poulson shares people, s concerns that folk tales are not realistic. ( )
b) Gillian thinks stories only have a small effect on children. ( )
c) In fairy tales , the feelings and thoughts of the characters are not important. ( )
d) Children learn correct grammar from reading stories. ( )
4) Find words in the text that mean the same meaning as: ( 2 points) a- make somebody want to do something: …………….. b- clever:…………………….
c- ask ……………… d- additional…………………
5) Find words in the text that have the opposite meaning of: (1 point)
a- complex ……………………… b- less ……………….. 6) What do the underlined pronouns refer to:
It ……………………………. them …………………………………..
7) Complete the sentences with words from the box : (3 points)
independently -tale - character – research

1) The student finished his ……………. on wild animals .
2) Ataba and Zarief e-tool is a romantic ……………………
3) When he got married, he began to live…………………………
2) Read the passage and answer the questions that follow: (10 marks)
Nearly 50% of all workers in the United States have jobs they aren't happy with. Don't let this happen to you! If you want to find the right job, don't rush to look through the classified ads in the newspaper .Instead, sit down and think about yourself. What kind of person are you? What makes you happy?
According to psychologist John Holland, there are six types of personalities. Nobody is just one personality type, but most people are mainly one type. For each type, there are certain jobs that might be right and others that are probably wrong.
Considering your personality type can help you make the right job decision. Liz is a good example. Liz knew she wanted to do something for children. She thought she could help children as a school counselor or a lawyer. She took counseling and law courses –and hated them. After talking to a career counselor, she realized the problem was that she's an Artistic type. Liz studied film, and she now produces children's TV shows, and loves it.
1-Answer the following questions: (2 points)
1) What should you do if you want to find the right job?
2) Why did Liz hate her counseling and law courses?
تابع الحادي عشر علمي – علوم إنسانية – 3 -
2) Complete the sentence: (2 points)
1-John Holland says that there are …………………………of personalities.
2) Considering your personality type can help you………………………………………..
3) Decide if the sentences are True or False: (2 points)
1- All the workers in the United States have jobs they aren't happy with. ( )
2-Nobody is just one personality. ( )
4) Find words in the text that mean: (1 point)
a) only ………………. b) go quickly……………..
5) What do the underlined pronouns refer to: (1 point)
a) they ……………………….. b) it ……………
6) Use words from the text to complete the sentences: (2 points)
1) She had her final …………..to study English at the university.
2) It was raining, so…………………15 students were absent.
Vocabulary(25 marks)
1) Match words with their meanings below: (5 points)
1) liquid that can kill people a) ( ) habitat
2) groups of people b) ( ) starvation
3) an area where particular species live c) ( ) tastes
4) people not having enough food d) ( ) poison
5) flavours e) ( ) societies
2) Complete sentences with words from the box: (5 points)

1) This house is quite old and needs some…………………………….. .
2) She has worked for magazines , radio stations and other……………………….. .
3) I paid quite a large…………….of money for this car.
4) There is a part of the ………………..building where people can go and watch the discussion.
5) A giraffe has a long neck , which ………………it to reach leaves on tall trees.
3) Complete the table: ( 4 points)
Adjective Noun
4) Replace the underlined parts of sentences with words from the box: (5 points)
resist benefit biologists random vital
1) The choice of people to answer the survey was unplanned. (…………………)

تابع الحادي عشر علمي – علوم إنسانية – 4 -
2) We need to fight back against what some large companies are doing to the environment. (…………………………..)
3) If you are bitten by this snake, it`s very important to get medical help quickly. (………………….)
4) Having enough sleep before a test is a great advantage for students. (…………………….)
5) Scientists who study living things are worried about the effects of climate change. (……………………)
5) Complete the table adding 'en' prefixes or suffixes to the words in the box, then finish the sentences with suitable words: (4 points)
close –length –courage –dark

en- prefix en - suffix

1) We need to ……………..the curtains. They're too short.
2) In reply to your request for payment, I ……………..a cheque with this letter.
3) He was worried about starting a new school, but his parents …………..him .
4) They sky began to …………...and they knew it would rain soon .
6) Add the correct prepositions from the box to the sentences below: (2 points)
for -in -to –by –at
1)…………….my opinion, he was right to accept the job.
2) The library books are arranged according ……….their subjects.
3) At school, he was always good ………..writing essays.
4) Opossums are famous ………..….pretending to be dead.
Language (25 marks)
1) Circle the correct options: ( 5 points)
1) In 20 years' time, everyone [will be eating /will have eaten] GM food.
2) By next year our restaurant [will be / will have been] in business for 20 years.
3) I [will have finished / will be finishing] the work by 10:00 tomorrow.
4) The driver [will have waited / will be waiting] for you when you arrive.
5) If we get there too early, they [won't have woken up / won't be waking up].
2) Re-write the following sentences using the –ing form to replace the underlined parts: (5 points)
1) While the biologists were studying these animals, they discovered something amazing.
2) Because pandas don’t have good food, they find it difficult to produce babies.
3) I felt tired so I went to bed early.
تابع الحادي عشر علمي – علوم إنسانية – 5 -

4) Because he is my friend, he always gives me good advice.
5) I am a teacher. I think school hours are long enough.

3) Join the two sentences to make one longer sentence: ( 5 points)
1) The main character is very poor. He has three sons.
2) This is the book .I was reading it yesterday.
3) That's the house. I was born there.
4) She's the woman. I borrowed her books.
5) I met the people. They want to buy our house.

4) Complete the sentences using the passive form of verbs in brackets in the correct tense : ( 5 points)
1) My car ………………………..at the moment , so I have to go to work by bus. (repair)
2) Voting ……………………….compulsory in Australia over 40 years ago. (make)
3) The results of the election ………………………next Tuesday. (announce)
4) The rubbish …………………….every Monday morning. (collect)
5) A lot of books ………………….about this subject recently. (write)

5) Correct the mistakes in sentences : ( 5 points)
1) He now lives in Jenin, where is a town in the north.
2) Realized that he was late for the bus, he started to run faster.
3) Everyone knows that pandas are in danger species.
4) I like to meet people whose their interests are similar to me.
5) In Algeria, the Prime Minister chooses by the President.

تابع الحادي عشر علمي – علوم إنسانية – 6 -

Writing (10 marks)

Please choose ONE ONLY of the following topics:
Write a summary (80–120 words) of a story you remember hearing or reading, or the story
of a film you have seen. You may find the phrases in the box useful.
The story is about … The story happens in … The main character(s) is/are …
At the beginning … At the end …

Read the following headline then write a short news story to follow it.
World’s oldest marathon runner finally gives up
Add details:
â–¸ Where did he run his last marathon?
â–¸ Where does he come from?
â–¸ How many marathons has he run in his life?
â–¸ What reason did he give to reporters?
â–¸ What did he say he is going to do now?

Good Luck