سلسلة القواعد فصلين للصف 12

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المنهاج الفلسطيني لجميع الصفوف  الامتحانات لجميع الصفوف 

النتائج 1 إلى 4 من 4

الموضوع: سلسلة القواعد فصلين للصف 12

Unit One / 1 عزيزي الطالب : عليك ان تتعرف اولا على الافعال المساعدة helping verbs

  1. #1
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Mar 2013

    Icon (20) سلسلة القواعد فصلين للصف 12

    Unit One / 1

    عزيزي الطالب :
    عليك ان تتعرف اولا على الافعال المساعدة helping verbs

    1-Verbs to be

    been were was are is am be
    التصريف الثالث مع الاسم الجمع مع الاسم المفرد مع الاسم الجمع مع الاسم المفرد دائما مع I)) الجذر
    ماضي ماضي مضارع
    we,they, you, you مضارع
    he ,she, it مضارع

    2-Verbs to do

    done did does do
    مع الاسم المفرد والجمع مع الاسم المفرد مع الاسم الجمع
    التصريف الثالث ماضي مضارع مضارع

    3- Verbs to have

    had have has
    مع المفرد والجمع مع الاسم الجمع مع الاسم المفرد
    ماضي وتصريف ثالث مضارع
    we,they, you, you مضارع
    he, she, it
    4- Modals

    مضارع Ought must may can shall will
    ماضي had to might could should would
    التمرين الأول

    1. Write questions and answers ( use present simple)
    1. A. ( be ) Yassir / oil worker . ……………………………..
    B. yes, ( be ) . / oil rigger . ……………………………
    2. A. ( be ) Ali / Ahmed / Egypt . …………………………….
    B. no, ( be not ) . / ( be ) / Palestine / (be ) / Kuwait. …………
    3. Write questions and answers with ( do )
    1. A. ( do ) Muna ( work ) abroad. ………………………..
    B. yes, ( do ) / ( work ) / Suadi Arabia . ……………………
    2. A. ( do ) Sami / Huda ( come ) by bus. ……………………..
    B. no , ( do ) . ( come ) / by taxi / ( come ) on foot. …………..
    4. Answer these questions about yourself:
    1. When were you born ? ………………………………
    2. Where were you born ? …………………………….
    3. What year did you start school ? ……………………………..
    4. Are you single ? ………………………………….

    5. Write questions for these answers :

    1. He comes from Palestine . ( Where )
    2. They go shopping in the evening . ( When )
    3. They meet us twice a week . ( How often )
    4. He went there to meet his friend . ( Why )
    Question Number One :. Write questions and answers with ( be )
    1. A. ( be ) Sami / Egypt . ………………………………
    B. no , / ( be not ) , ( be ) / Palestine . ……………………….
    2. A. ( be ) Maha / Muna / nurses . …………………………
    B. no . ( be not ) . ( be ) nurse / ( be ) teacher .
    3. A. ( be ) Ahmed / busy . ……………………………………
    B. yes , / ( be ) busy . …………………………………….

    Question Number Two : . Write questions and answers with ( do )
    1.A. ( do ) Rami / Bilal ( sleep ) early .
    B.( no ) / ( do not ) . sleep at 10 / sleep 11 .
    2. A. ( do ) your brother ( speak ) French . …………………………..
    B. ( no ) , / ( do not ) . / ( speak ) English . …………………………
    3. A. ( do ) Sumayya ( work ) abroad . ………………………………
    B. yes , ( do ) . ( work ) Kuwait . ……………………………….
    Question Number Three : Write questions for these answers :
    1. He comes from Palestine . ( Where/come from )
    2. They go shopping in the evening . ( When/go )
    3. They meet us twice a week . ( How often /meet)
    4. He went there to work . ( Why /go)
    5. We visited Ali’s family . ( Whose /visit)
    6. Leila bought the red skirt . ( Which /buy)
    7. She works in a flower shop . ( What kind /work)
    8. Ali and Ahmed go to the museum weekly. ( Who /go )
    Question Number Four : Ask and answer interview questions using the words in brackets.
    1. A. What ( be ) family name . ………………………………
    B. Masri. …………………………………..
    2. A.What ( be ) first name . ……………………………………
    B. Fawzi . ……………………………………..
    3. A. What ( be ) nationality . …………………………………….

    B. Palestinian . …………………………………… ( 1)
    4. A. When ( be ) born . …………………………………
    B. March 13 1962. ………………………………….
    5. A. Where ( do / live ) …………………………………..
    B. Ramallah . ………………………………………..
    6. A. ( be ) married . ……………………………………
    B. no . ………………………………….

    Unit 2
    Verb Tenses

    Present Simple
    يستخدم المضارع البسيط في الحالات التالية
    الحقائق العلمية 1- Scientific Facts
    Examples :
    1- Water boils at 100 degree centigrade. ( boil)
    2- The sun rises in the east ,and sets in the west (rise, set)
    3- Oil is lighter than water .(be)
    4- The earth rotates round the sun .( rotate)

    2-Habits العادات اليومية المتكررة

    1- We ………leave……….school at 12:30.(leave).
    2- Muna ……brushes………her teeth at night.(brush).
    3- My uncle …visits…..…his mother every morning.(visit).
    4- I ………watch………… television every night.(watch).

    3- Adverbs of frequency ظروف التكرار

    Always ,sometime, often, rarely, seldom, everyday, everymonth …………..

    1-She always…speaks………..English(speak).
    2-We………clean…………..…our car every day.(clean).
    3- They ………are……..….always speaking English at class.( be).

    4-Proverbs الامثال والحكم

    1- Too many s ……spoil……….the broth.(spoil).
    2- A bird in a hand ……is……….better than ten on a tree.(be).

    5- With these verbs مع الحالات التالية
    1- Feelings : dislike, hate, like, love, prefer, want,
    2- State of mind :
    believe, feel, forget, guess, imagine, know, mean,
    not mind, realize, recognize, remember, suppose, think, understand.
    appear, hear, look, see, seem, smell, sound, taste.
    4- other states :
    belong to , consist of, contain, fit, include, lack, measure, need, own, weigh.

    1-We ……hate……….our enemy(hate).
    2- Ali ……weighs……..70 kilogram.(weigh).
    3- It ……seems………delicious.(seem).
    4- This unit……includes……….four sections.(include).
    5- I …………don’t know……..……the answer.(not, know).

    6-Tibles and programs
    1- The exhibition ……..opens…….on January the first.(open)
    2- We ……leave…….at 12:30 and……arrive…..13:25.(leave, arrive)
    3- The bus ……leaves………at seven.(leave)

    Past Simple Tense الماضي البسيط

    It is used when something happened in the past and finished in the past at a particularly time.
    These words help :
    Last + adverb of time , yesterday , this morning , ago ,condition type 2 when, as, while, before , after .

    Examples :
    1- Joe …visited……….…. her friend last summer.(visit)
    2 They ………weren't.….….at school yesterday.(not, be)
    3- My friend ……couldn't….help me in the morning.(not, can)
    4- If the man …sold.…his house ,he would buy another one.(sell)
    5- When they …reached..the top of the mountain, it was raining.(reach)
    6-As she was reading the story, her mother …rang….the bell.(ring)
    7-After the shepherd had sold the sheep ,he …became..an auctioneer.(become)
    8-Before he …became..an auctioneer ,he had sold his sheep.(become)

    الماضي التام Present Perfect Tense
    Form : (has , have)+ past participle
    The keys :
    Already ,since ,for ,ever ,never, recently ,just ,so far ,up to now, yet, at last, lately.
    يستعمل هذا النوع من الأفعال للتعبير عن أحداث في الماضي ولا زالت آثارها قائمة حتى لحظة الكلام.

    1-Since 1996, he has been active in Palestinian politics
    2-Over the years he has published more than 30 book.
    3-I have never gone to Los Angeles.
    4-How long have you lived here?
    5-They have produced 20 novels at last.
    6- Iam sorry .I …haven’t visited…..for five months.(not visit)
    7- I …have met……Huda just before I came here.(meet)
    8-My brother is very tired . He …has travelled….for several weeks.(travel).
    9-…Have….you …seen………Sameer lately?.(see).
    10- I …havent… …finished…..my homework yet.(finish).
    11- The earth…has been….in existence for millions of years.(be).
    12- What good news ! My favourate team …has won…the game at last.(win).

    Past simple and Past continuous

    تستخدم للتعبير عن أحداث حدثت في الماضي احدهما حدث وانتهى أثناء حدوث الآخر.
    The keys:
    When, While, as.
    When + subject +simple past+……..subject + past continuous
    While + subject+ past cont +……..subject + past+……...

    When Joe and Susie left at 8:00 the sun was shining 1-
    2-While they were climbing the mountain it suddenly got cloudy.
    3-It started raining as they were climbing the mountain .

    Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Continuous.
    يستخدم present perfect continuous عندما يكون الحدث قد بدأ في الماضي ولا يزال مستمرا.
    صيغته(has, have)+been+ing
    Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets:-

    1-I…have been waiting….(wait)for Ali all day; but he …hasn’t arrived……(not arrive)home yet.
    2-I…haven’t found…….(not find)my dictionary yet . I …have been looking…(look)for it all morning .
    3-We …have studied……(study) French for two years but we (not speak)...havent spoken......to a real French person.
    4-We ……have worked……(work) hard at school recently ,so we(not speak) … haven’t done well...... (do well)in the class test .
    5-I……have tried…………(try) to phone Nadia , but I …haven’t managed…. (not manage) to find her yet

    Future and future continuousالمستقبل والمستقبل المستمر

    Future tense.
    The keys :
    tonight Till , until , next , the following , future date, ( will+ infinitive)
    Iam sure , promise , (offering something )expect.
    (be +going to +infinitive ) for personal plans and intentions, for predicting what you must feel happen .
    Examples :
    1- He promises he …will phone…………every day.(phone)
    2- Iam sure that ……will make…….. life easier.(make)
    3- I ……………will send……………..you something.(send)
    4-We …………are going to miss………..him a lot (miss)
    5-They ………are going to work…………..together .(work)
    6-Our soldiers ………will fight………the enemy until the last man falls (fight)
    7- The students ………will leave……..the school next May (leave)

    Future Continuous

    It is used for : A continuing state in the future
    A continuing action in the future
    A trend future
    صيغته :---------------------------- its form ( will+be+ing)
    يستخدم مع الحدث الذي سيكون مستمرا في المستقبل.
    1- In two years ,Salwa ………will be living………. Away from home. (live)
    2-In the coming years , more people …will be going……to collage.(go)
    3-In six years time ,she …will be preparing……..for her final exam.(prepare)

    Past continuous and past simple

    القاعـدة الأولى: إذا كانت (when) الظـرفيـة تربط بين جملتين وكان زمن الفعل (tense) في الجملـة الظـرفيـة )جمـلة(when ماضيا فإننا
    نستخدم في الجملـة الأصليـة (past continuous)
    Past continuous = was + -ing form
    1. When she returned home, her children ------------------- television. (watch)
    When she returned home, her children were watching television.
    2. The boy --------------------- his homework when the telephone rang. (do)
    The boy was doing his homework when the telephone rang.
    3. When I came to school this morning, it --------------------------- (rain)
    4. They ----------------------- their lunch when we visited them. (have)
    5. When the accident happened, Ali ---------------------------- a bicycle. (ride)
    6. I ---------------- chess when you called me yesterday. (play)

    القاعـدة الثـانيـة: إذا وُجـد في الجملـة ظرف زمـان يدل علـى المستقبـل فإننـا نستخدم will + infinitive(without to)
    1. They ------------------- me tomorrow. (meet)
    They will meet me tomorrow.
    2. The girl ---------------------- a university next September. (join)
    The girl will join a university next September.
    3. I ------------------------- television tonight. (not watch)
    I won’t watch television tonight. { won’t = will not }
    4. Sami --------------------- his aunt next Friday. (visit)
    5. We ------------------------ from high school next June. (graduate)

    القاعـدة الثـالثـة: إذا وجدت في الجملـة أداة الربط (until) )ويكـون موقعهـا دائمـاً في الوسـط( فنستخدم will + infinitive
    1. We ------------------- here until our parents arrive. (stay)
    We will stay here until our parents arrive
    2. Sami ------------------ on the farm until it is dark. (work)
    Sami will work on the farm until it is dark.
    3. Our soldiers --------------------- the enemy until our last man falls. (fight)
    4. I ---------------------- for you until you come back. (wait)
    5. The boy ------------------------ until he feels tired. (study)

    present continuous
    القاعـدة الرابعــة: إذا بُدأت الجملـة بالعبـارات التاليـة فإننـا نسـتخدم (present continuous)
    Listen! / Look! / Be quiet! / Look out! / Be careful! / Don't disturb!
    Present continuous = is + -ing form

    1. Listen! Someone ---------------- for help. (shout)
    Listen! Someone is shouting for help.
    2. Look! The boys ------------------- the tree. (climb)
    Look! The boys are climbing the tree.
    3. Be quiet! The baby ---------------------- . (sleep)
    Be quiet! The baby is sleeping.
    4. Listen! Someone ------------------ at the door. Go and see who is it. (knock)
    5. Don’t disturb, please. We ------------------------- our school duties. (do)

    تمارين كتاب الطالب

    Mixed tenses
    2 Look at the map and bar charts in Exercise 1 again.
    Put the verbs in brackets into appropriate forms.

    By the year 1900, the populations of eleven cities worldwide (1) ____________ (climb) above a million. All of the largest five of these (2) ____________ (be) in Europe and the USA.At that time, London (3) __________ (remain)the largest of them, as it (4) ____________ (be)all through the 19th century, but New York(5) ____________ (grow) fast and (6) ____________(increase) rapidly in importance.The five largest cities (7) ____________(continue) to grow during the following century. However, during the last 50 or 60 years, theirgrowth rate (8) ____________ (get) slower. At the same time, growth in many other cities (9) ____________ (speed up). A lot of these cities (10) ____________ (be) in developing countries such as China.These countries (11) ____________
    (industrialise) fast at the moment, and this (12) ____________ (bring) millions of people into their big population centres such as Shanghai.
    When we (13) ____________ (look) into the future, it (14) ___________ (seem) clear that cities in southern regions of the world and in developing
    regions of the north (15) ____________ (go on) expanding at an amazing speed during the coming decades. According to recent estimates, Mumbai’s population (16) ____________ (reach) 30 million in about 2018 – almost a 250% increase since 2000.

    حل التمرين السابق على الترتيب

    Had climbed were remained had been was growing
    was increasing Continued has got has sped out are
    are understanding Is bringing look seems will go on
    will reach

    Past simple or past continuous

    2 – Rewrite each pair of sentences as one sentence .Put one verb in the past simple and the other in the past continuous .Ad d while to the part in the past continuous.
    1- (I meet ) my friend Ali . I (walk) to school.
    I met my friend Ali while I was walking to school.
    2- I (do) my homework .My little brother (start) making a noise .
    3- Hanan,s car (break down) .She (drive ) to Nablus.

    4- We (wait) for the bus .Two fire engines suddenly (get) past.
    5- Salwa (call0 this morning. I (make) lunch.

    Past simple or present perfect
    3 Neck and his family are getting ready to move house. Put the verbs in brackets in Past simple or present perfect.

    Mum (1) …………………..(you pack ) all your things in boxed yet ?
    Nick Yes, (2) …………. (I finish) doing that last night, and now (3) ………
    (I just take) the boxes to the front door , ready for the van.
    Mum And (4) ……………..(you clean) your room yet ?
    Nick Well, (5) ………………. (I clean) this morning, but (6) …………
    ( I not do ) every thing yet?
    Mum And where’s Dad ? I need his help in the kitchen.
    Nick I think (7) …………………. (he go) out half an hour ago. Wait ! I can see
    him from the now. (8) …………….(he just arrive ) with the van.
    Mum Oh, no .He’s too early ! (9)…………………(I not even begin) packing the
    kitchen thing yet!
    Nick Wow ! That’s a problem Why (10) ……………………… (we decide ) to
    move today and not tomorrow? !

    4 Past simple or past perfect

    Complete the following with pairs of verbs from the box. Put one verb in the past and the other in the past perfect.
    Agree – always refuse imagine – find look – never see
    not eat – always have Usually say – suddenly want
    1 Deema …………………………… at the picture for a long time. She ……………
    Anything so beautiful in her life.
    2 Fadi …………………………… with us because he ………………. dinner earlier at home.
    3 We were surprised when Nadia ……………………to buy a new TV since she …………………………..to do that previously.
    4 Up till then , Omar ……………………..nothing at meeting , but he changed and he …………………………to speak all the tme.
    5 I …………………….that the job would be very difficult but , in fact , I …………………that I could do it with no trouble at all.

    Past perfect simple or continuous
    5 Decide whether the action is either finished recently or is unfinished .Explain.

    فان الفعل منتهي(has,have)+p.p اذا كانت الصيغة
    فان الفعل غير منتهي (has,have)+been+ing form اما اذا كانت الصيغة
    1 She's done her project.
    FINIHED . ( the project is complete)
    2 I've been learning Japanese for years.
    UNFINIHED. ( I'm still studying).
    3 We have been waiting all day .
    4 They have written all the inventions .
    5- I have been cheching the list of names for the last hour.
    5 He,s saved enough money for a new soud system.
    6 She has been practicing her talk to the class since this morning.

    Unit 3
    عزيزي الطالب : عليك اولا معرفة استخدام افعال ال modals وهي كالتالي :
    1- can تستخدم للدلالة على القدرة والامكانية في الزمن الحاضر والمستقبل وهي لا تدل على ان عملا ما قد تم انجازه بالفعل .
    مثال I can help you هذه الجملة تعني انني استطيع مساعدتك ولا تعني انني ساعدتك .
    تستخدم للدلالة على المسموح به
    مثال : you can leave now . أي يسمح لك بالمغادرة.
    2- be able to +infinitive هذا المصطلح يدل على ان العمل قد تم بالفعل وفي الزمن الماضي .
    مثال I was able to move the car .
    Infinitive be
    هذا يعني انه قد حرك السيارة أي ان العمل قد تم .
    -3 must /need to للاشياء الضرورية necessary وهي قرارشخصي أي نعتبرها ضرورة شخصية وليس بناء على طلب الاخرين .
    مثال : I must stop working now
    أي انه هو شخصيا اتخذ قرارا بالتوقف
    4- have to للاشباء الضرورية ولكن تكون بناءا على طلب الاخرين .
    مثال : Ali has to sleep early so he can wake up early
    مثال : We have to watch all their matches .

    5- should ought to/ للنصيحة في الزمن الحاضر او المستقبل
    مثال : You look pale . You should see a doctor
    You aren’t tired .You shouldn't stay without work.
    6- need not to او don’t have to لغير الضروري unnecessary
    مثال : Tomorrow is a holiday . You don’t have to get up very early
    7- may لاعطاء الاذن permission
    مثال : You may leave early today .

    Modals in the Past الأفعال الناقصة في الماضي

    1- Could
    استخداماتها و معناها:
    * - Ability in the past .قدرة في الماضي
    - He gave up his old job so he could work for us .

    2- Was/were able to :
    * Ability in the past قدرة في الماضي
    - I was able to swim when I was seven
    الفرق بين was able to و could
    Could غالبا ما يأتي بعدها أفعال حواس مثل taste /see/ feel
    Could= general ability/ easily معناها قدرة عامة/ و ممكن تعني ان الأمر تم بسهولة
    Was/were able to= specific situation/ with some difficulty
    تعني موقف خاص/ و ممكن تعني ان الأمر تم (مع وجود صعوبة)
    When I was 2, I could walk. أنا أستطيع المشي ( أي شخص سليم يستطيع المشي – شئ عام)
    I was able to walk although the road was rocky. تمكنت من المشي وواجهت صعوبة
    3- Could have + pp

    - Ability in the past but I didn't do that قدرة بالماضي ولكن لم تقم بالحدث
    - I didn't finish my work yesterday. I could have finished it.

    4- Coulldn't have+pp:
    استخداماتها و معناها:
    * - Impossibility in the past.استحالة في الماضي
    - Maha couldn't have failed in the exam .

    5- May have+ pp/Might have+pp استخداماتها و معناها:
    * - possibility in the past احتمالية او توقع في الماضي
    ( prediction in the past )
    - She may / might have left secretly .

    6- Must have been/Can't have been
    استخداماتها و معناها:
    * Deduction in the past . استنتاج في الماضي
    - She was very happy. She must have succeeded in her exam

    تمارين كتاب الطالب مع الحلول
    Talking about (un)necessary and (im)possible events
    Look at Salwa’s diary for tomorrow. Take her part and describe the day. Use as many of these words as possible. can/can’t, (not) have to, may/might (not), must(n’t), ought (not) to, should(n’t)
    Start like this. I must ... because it’s ...
    Tuesday, 15 November
    1 Buy a present for Huda – her birthday (!!!Very important!!!)
    ( I must buy a present for Huda because todat is her birthday.
    DON’T forget, or she’ll be really sad!
    2 Write to Grandma if possible – she’s not very well.
    ( I may write to grandma but if I don’t do so she will be not very well.)
    3 Go to Nadia’s home – listen to music together. – No time!
    ( I can't go to Nadia's home to listen to music together because I don’t have tome )
    4 Write out my maths homework again – not really tidy enough.
    ( You should write your home work out …)
    5 dinner for everyone. Mum > meeting that will last till 9.00.
    ( I have to dinner ………)
    6 do the washing up, too. – (The others have promised to do that – !!!Good!!!)
    ( you don’t have to do the washing up because others have promised to do that )
    7 Not watch TV after dinner???Call Nadia for a chat instead???
    ( You don’t have to watch TV .You should call Nadia instead .)
    4Look at Mousa’s diary for yesterday. Take Mousa’s part and describe the day. Use as many of these words as possible. be able to/couldn’t, had to/didn’t have to
    Start like this. I didn’t have to ... because it was ...

    1 Revise for my maths test. – (Put off until next month.– !!!Great!!!)
    ( You didn’t have to revise your maths test because it …..)
    2 Do lots of homework for chemistry & English.
    ( I had to do lots of homework ……)
    3 Wash the car for Dad . Car > garage for urgent repairs yesterday morning.
    (I couldn’t wash the car for my dad because it was in the garage yesterday morning)
    4 Finish my homework quickly. – want to go to the football match.
    (I had to finish my homework quickly because I wanted to …..)
    5 Get there early to get a good seat. – (bus late – !!!Huh!!!)
    (I was able to get there early to get a good seat but the bus was late )
    I couldn’t get a good seat.
    6 Walk home from the match last night – (no buses!)
    ( I had to walk home from the match last night because there were no buses )
    7 E-mail Yassir in New York – (too tired to do anything else)
    ( I couldn't e-mail Yassir ……)
    اسئلة اضافية
    Question Number One : Fill in the blanks with suitable modals from the list below :
    should , shouldn't , have to , doesn't have to , was able to .
    1. They ………………play in the sun . It's dangerous.
    2. She come ……………early . We have no work in the morning .
    3. They ……………….sit with her first . It's a good idea.
    4. We …………………change direction .It's necessary.
    5. After she fell and broke her arm, he …….…take her to hospital.
    Question Number Two. Fill in the blanks with suitable modals from the list below :
    must, could , were able to , ought not to , have to , mustn't .
    1. ……………carry this bag for me , please?
    2. We ……………shoot animals . It's forbidden .
    3. Luckily , they ………………save the children on time .
    4. Do you really ……………….cancel the journey ?
    5. We …………………..drive on the right in our journey.
    6. They ……………….waste their time . It's valuable .

    Question Number Three : Fill in the blanks with suitable modals from the list below :
    may , need to , didn't have to , would , could .
    1. Children ………………..drink milk . It's necessary for their health.
    2. …………….you like some coffee ?
    3. She ……………..come . We aren't sure .
    4. I …………….swim when I was only four.
    5. They …………….hurry . They weren't late.
    Question Number Four: Rewrite each sentence so that it has the same meaning and contains the word in brackets.
    1. Is it important for me to revise the test ? ( ought )
    2. It's possible that I'll sell my old car . ( might) …………………………………………………………
    3. I'd like to take my children with you . ( could )
    4. It's necessary for you to pay now . ( have to )
    5. Don't miss this chance . ( must )
    6. It's a good idea for her to make another trial . ( should )
    7. It's necessary for him to write while studying . ( need )
    8. Is it possible for her to enter this garden ? ( may )
    Question Number Five: Write the followings in the past form .
    1. I must prevent him from going .
    2. I can drive many kinds of cars .
    3. Fortunately , I can move the rock and pass .
    4. I've told her that I'll be late .
    5. They mustn't spend all their money
    Question Number six:
    Rewrite each sentence . Use could or would to be more direct and polite.
    1. Can I take your camera , please ? ……………………………….
    2. I prefer to take a bus now . ……………………………….
    3. Please bring me that story . …………………………………
    4. Do you want her to meet you ? …………………………………

    Answers: Unit Three :

    Question / one:
    1. shouldn't. 2. doesn't have to 3. should 4. have to 5. was able to

    Question Two: 1. could 2. mustn't 3. were able to 4. have to
    5. must 6. oughtn't to .
    Question Three : 1. must 2. would 3. may 4. could 5. didn't have to
    Question Four :
    1. Ought I to revise the test ?
    2. I might sell my old car .
    3. Could you take my children with you ?
    4. You don't have to pay now .
    5. You mustn't miss this chance .
    6. She could make another trial .
    7. He needs to write while studying .
    8. May she enter this garden ?
    Question Five
    1. I had to prevent him from entering .
    2. I could drive many kinds of cars .
    3. Fortunately, I was able to move the rock to pass .
    4. I had told her that I would be late .
    5. They couldn't spend all their money .

    Unit Four

    Conditional Sentences
    الجـمل الشـرطيـة
    Zero conditional
    When we talk about things that are generally or always true, we can use:للحديث عن واقع او حقيقه علمي ه
    If/When/Unless + present form + present simple or imperative فعل امر
    • If he gets there before me, ask him to wait.
    • When you fly budget airline, you have to pay for your drinks and snacks.
    • Unless you need more space, a small car is big enough for one person.
    Note that we are not talking about a specific event but something which is generally true.لا نتكلم عن شيء محدد وانما عن شيء عام
    In the condition clause, we can use a variety of present forms. In the result clause, there can only be the present simple or imperative.
    • If you visit London, go on the London Eye.
    • If unemployment is rising, people tend to stay in their present jobs.
    • If you've done that, go and have a coffee.
    • When you go on holiday, take plenty of sun cream. It'll be very hot.
    • When I'm concentrating, please don't make so much noise.
    • When I've finished an article, I always ask Kate to read it through.
    Notice that 'unless' means the same as 'if not'.
    • Unless he asks you politely, refuse to do any more work on the project.
    • Unless prices are rising, it's not a good investment.

    Conditional sentences ( If- clauses)
    Type 1: النوع الأول
    (The real condition pattern \ real present) يدل على شرط محتمل حدوثه/ ممكن حدوثه
    Condition ( if – clause ) Result (main clause)

    If + subject + present
    الفعل يكون مضارعا subject + may + ( infinitive) can

    1. If she reads the newspaper, she will see the advertisement.
    2. If they leave the house early, they can catch the bus to the city.
    3. The boys will play the game if it doesn’t rain.
    4. If I am invited to the party, I must go.
    5. We’ll visit our sick neighbor if we have enough time tonight.
    Meaning: (possible, probable, expected)يكون الشـرط في هذا النـوع محتـمل الحدوث
    The condition may happen in the future. \ The condition is expected to happen./ The condition is possible.
    1. “If it rains tomorrow,” means: it may rain tomorrow.
    2. “ If she arrives tonight,” means: she may arrive tonight
    استخدام (when)
    ( When expresses certainty about the condition) عن شرط مؤكد الوقوع / الحدوث
    When is used instead of ( if ) when the speaker is sure that the condition is going to happen.
    تسـتخدم (when) بدل (if) إذا كان المـتكلم متأكدا من حدوث الشـرط
    1. When we leave school, we shall look for a job. (The speaker is sure that they will leave school one day)
    2. When my father returns home, I’ll show him the letter. (I am sure that my father will return home)
    Unless = if …….. not
    1. If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, we will go on a journey.
    Unless it rains tomorrow, we will go on a journey.
    2. If you don’t work hard on physics, you won’t pass the exam.

    Unless you work hard on physics, you won’t pass the exam.
    أردنا في المثالين الأول والثاني استخدام (unless) بدل (if …not) فوجدنا في المثال الأول (not) موجودة مع (does) وفي المثال الثاني مع (do) فعندما نضع (unless) مكان (if …not) نحذف (doesn’t ) ونضيف للفعل (-s) فيصبح (rains) ونحذف (don’t) ويبقى الفعل كما هو (work)
    3. I can’t believe anything unless I see it myself.
    If I don’t see it myself, I can’t believe anything.
    4. Unless she has enough money, she won’t buy the house.
    If she doesn’t have enough money, she won’t buy the house.
    أردنا في المثالين الثالث والرابع أن نفعل العكس وهو استبدال (unless) باستخدام (if … not) فحذفنا (unless) ووضعنا في مكانها (if) ثم نظرنا للفعل فوجدناه مضارعاً مفرداً: أي في آخره (-s) فوضعنا بعد الفاعل (she) كلمة (doesn’t) وأرجعنا الفعل(has) إلى أصله (have). وفي المثال الثالث وضعنا
    (unless) مكان (if) ونظرنا للفعل بعد الفاعل فوجدناه مضارعاً بدون ألـ (-s) الدالة على المفرد فوضعنا (don’t ) بعد الفاعل قبل الفعل (see).
    Exercise 1:
    Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs between brackets.
    1. The thief can steal the house if they (open) ---------------- the door.
    2. What will she do if the thief (come ) ----------------- up the stairs ?
    3. If Ali comes tonight, I (give) ------------------ him the letter.
    4. When he arrives, I (tell) ----------------- him the truth.
    5. Answer the phone when it (ring) ---------------------
    6. If the girl (study) -------------------harder, she can pass the exam.

    Rewrite the following sentences beginning with the words provided and keeping to the meaning.
    1. Unless the patient takes the medicine, he won’t recover.
    If -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    2. The crops will die if you don’t water them.
    Unless ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    3. I won’t go the party if Ali doesn’t accompany me .
    Unless ----------------------------------------------------------------

    Type 2: (Contrary - to - fact pattern \ unreal present)
    يتحدث هذا النوع عن شرط لم يحدث أو لا يمكن حدوثه في الزمن الحاضر / يكون فعل الشرط في الزمن الماضي ويكون معناه في الزمن الحاضر.
    Condition (if-clause) Result ( main clause)
    If + subject + past tense

    If I had much money, Subject + would + infinitive without

    I would buy a new car.
    Meaning :
    hypothetical فرضـي \غيـر حقيقـي unreal present \ unexpected غير متـوقع حدوث الشـرط
    1. What would you do if you were a millionaire?
    2. If they knew the truth, they would be happy.
    3. I’d be rich if I won the first prize.
    4. If she had much money, she’d build a house.
    5. If he were clever, he would get a higher average.
    6. If I were you, I wouldn’t forgive her.
    7. If they weren’t invited , they wouldn’t come to the party.
    8. If he didn’t know about the accident, he wouldn’t call the police.
    The meaning of type 2 is present although the verb tense is past. When the verb in the condition is positive, the meaning of the sentence is negative and vice versa.والعكس صحـيح
    “If I had a car,” means : I don’t have a car.
    “If she didn’t come late,” means : she comes late.
    “If I were rich,” means : I am not rich.
    “If they didn’t see me,” means : they see me.
    “If it rained,” means : it doesn’t rain.
    “If you passed the exam,” means : you haven’t passed the exam. \ you have failed.
    “If she weren’t at home,” means : she is at home.

    If I were you, I would …يستـخدم هذا التعبير من أجـل تقديم النصـيحـة فـي أوضـاع معيـنة
    This type is used to give advice in certain situations.
    1. Your friend is very ill and he coughs badly. You would say to him:
    If I were you, I would see a doctor.
    2.Your friend’s landlord raised the rent and your friend doesn’t know what to do. What would you say to him?
    If I were you, I’d take the case to the court.

    Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verbs between brackets.
    1. If the woman (not call) --------------------- the police, she’d face the thieves alone.
    2. The thieves (run) --------------------- away if she made any noise.
    3. If they knew that there was a woman in the house, they (not try) ------------------to steal it.
    4. If you (study) ----------------, you’d learn English quickly.
    5. My headache (go) --------------------- away if I took an aspirin tablet.
    6. She’d take care of our problems, if she (is) -----------------------------here.
    7. If we ( not have) ----------------------- good farmers, we wouldn’t increase our food production.

    Type 3: (The past contrary - to - fact condition) شـرط لم يتحقق فـي الزمـن المـاضي
    Condition (if- clause) Result (main clause)
    If + subject + (had + past participle)

    If Ali had bought a car,
    If she’d taken the medicine, subject + would have
    could have + past participle
    should have
    might have

    he would have told us.
    she would have felt better.
    1. If the boy had seen the dog, he would have run away.
    2. If the swordfish had attacked the raft, it could have cut it to pieces.
    3. She could have got a better average if she had studied harder.
    4. We would have arrived on time if the bus had come earlier.
    5. If they had taken the patient to hospital, they could have saved his life.
    If-clause (type 3) talks about a condition that was possible in the past, but it didn’t happen.
    يتكلم هذا النوع من الجمل الشـرطيـة عن شرط لم يحدث فـي الزمن الماضي.
    1. If I had had enough money, I’d have bought a car.
    Means : I didn’t have enough money.
    2. If you had won the first prize,
    Means : you didn’t win the first prize.
    3. If the police hadn’t arrived,
    Means: the police arrived.
    When the verb in the condition is positive, the meaning is negative and vice versa.
    إذا كان فعل الشرط مثبتاً فإن المعنى الذي يؤديه يكون منفيا والعكس صحيح كما توضحه الأمثلة الثلاثة السابقة.
    Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
    1. If Bombard -----------------------, he couldn’t have proved his theory. ( try )
    2. If Salwa ---------------------- a millionaire, she would build a hospital. ( be )
    3. If a student ---------------------- hard, he won’t pass the exam. ( not work )
    4. If I have a holiday next month, I ---------------------- Jerusalem. ( visit )
    5. If it hadn’t rained yesterday, they --------------------------- for a walk. ( go )
    6. Don’t go to the door unless you ------------------------ the bell. ( hear )
    7. Unless there’s a problem, he --------------------------- ( come )
    8. Farmers ---------------- the project if they aren’t convinced of its value.
    ( not support )
    9. They ---------------------- here if they had taken a taxi. ( be )
    10. If you ----------------------- time last night, what would you have done ? ( have )
    11. I ---------------------- a car if I were rich. ( buy )

    Work book/ page 22
    التمرين الاول
    Conditional type 0
    1 Answer each question with a full statement .Follow the question’s use of if or when.
    1 Q What do you usually do if you feel tired ?
    A If I feel tired , I usually …………………
    2 Q What do you generally do when you get home from school ?
    A when ………………………………………………………..
    3 Q What do you like doing when you have some free time ?
    A When ………………………………………………………
    4 Q What do you do if you feel thirsty ?
    A ………………………………………………………………
    5 Q What do you do if you can’t understand your homework?
    A ………………………………………………………………
    6 Q What do you like doing when you go out with your family ?
    A ……………………………………………………………..
    التمرين الثاني
    Conditional type 1
    Complete the sentences for each situation / using the words in brackets as a guide.
    1 You and your sister are choosing a present for your brother . He is crazy about basketball , and he wants a basketball ring so that he can practice scoring at home.
    You have just found a good one . You say : (buy be).
    I know it is expensive .But if we buy him the basketball ring , he’ll be happy.
    2 You have bought a CD , but it seems to be faulty and doesn’t play on your CD player .

    Your friend advises you and say : (explain , replace )
    You should take it back and talk to the people at the shop.
    2 Today is a holiday , and you and your brother are going to visit your cousins
    for the day. However , he is still eating breakfast , and the bus will go soon.
    You say : (not leave , miss )
    Listen , do you really want to see your cousins , or not?
    4 Your little sister is standing on a chair and leaning out of her bedroom in
    the third-floor apartment .You are very frightened and shout : (fall, kill yourself )
    Get down from that chair right now!
    5 Your friend has an argument with another friend ,and now they are not talking to
    each other. Your friend is worried about the situation but doesn’t know what to do
    You say : (not say sorry , lose )
    Look, you started the argument , and you were wrong .

    6 Your sister is trying to decide whether to go to college or to stay at home and help
    Your mother with the house and the younger children.
    You say: (not go , not get )
    Well, I think you should definitely take the chance.

    Conditional type 2
    التمرين الثالث

    3. Use the sentences parts to write sentences .Add capital letters, commas and full stop.
    1. I (have) the change to go/ North America/ (travel) across Canada.
    If I had the change to go to North America, I would (I’d)………………………………..
    2. I (visit) Australia / (go) surfing / Bondi Beach.
    3. I (have) more free time / (like)/ study music.
    4. My brother (work) a bit harder / (be) / best student in / whole school.
    5. Our cousins (come) / live with us / (all have) / great time together.
    6. My sister (can choose) any career she (want) / (become) / family doctor.

    Conditional type 3
    التمرين الرابع
    4. Say how things could have happened differently.
    1. I spent most of my money on a really good football, so I didn’t have enough to buy some new boots.
    2. Mahmoud didn’t study hard enough, so he didn’t get the grade he wanted in the exam. ………………………………………………………………………….
    3. We forgot to take any money with us, so we couldn’t buy anything to eat
    …..................................................................... .......................................
    4. I rode down the hill much too fast, so I couldn’t avoid crashing at the
    ...........................………………………………............................... ............
    5. I couldn’t get early, so I have to miss my favorite programme.
    6--Salwa managed to save enough money, so she was able to help her sister go to college............................................................... ...............

    حلول التمرين الاول

    1- If I feel tired, I usually have a rest .
    2- When I get home from school, I generally have a snack .
    3- When I have some free time, I like seeing friends.
    4- If I feel thirsty,I get some water from the tap.
    5- If I can’t understand my homework, I ask someone about it.
    6- When I go out with my family, I like having a picnic.
    حلول التمرين الثاني

    1- if we buy him the basketball ring, he will be very happy.
    2- If you explain that it’s faulty, they will replace it.
    3- If we don’t leave now, we’ll miss the bus.
    4- If you fall you will kill yourself
    5- If you don’t say sorry , you’ll lose your friend.
    6- If you don’t go to college , you won’t get a good job.

    حلول التمرين الثالث
    1- If I had the chance to go to North America, I would travel across Canada.
    2- If I visited Australia, I ‘d go surfing at Bondi Beach/
    3- If I had more free time I would like to study music.
    4- If my brother worked a bit harder , he would be the best student in the whole school.
    5- If our cousins came to live with us , we would all have a greet time together.
    6- If my sister could choose any career she wanted, she ‘d become a family doctor.

    حلول التمرين الرابع
    1- If I had not spent most of my money on a really good football , I would have had enough to buy some new boots.
    2- If Mahmoud had studied hard enough , he would have got the grade he wanted in the exam/
    3- If we had taken some …….. we could have bought something to eat.
    4- If I hadn’t ridden down the hill much too fast . I could have avoided crashing at the bottom/
    5- If I had been able to get home early , I wouldn’t have had to miss my favorite TV program.
    6- If Salwa hadn’t managed to save enough money , she wouldn’t have been able to help her sister go to college/

    أسئلة اضافية

    Question Number One :
    Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in brackets .
    1. If we ………………( have ) much money , we would buy anew car.
    2. If I ………………. ( not busy ) , I would visit her .
    3. Unless she ……………….( do ) her best , she won’t succeed.
    4. When water …………….( boil ) , it ………………… ( evaporates ).
    5. If I ……………………..( know ) about this yesterday , I ………………….( not call ) him .
    Question Number Two :
    Complete these sentences with ( If or when ) .
    1. What will you do …………….you leave school ?
    2. What will you do …………….you meet him ?
    3. ………..I have free time , I like playing tennis .
    4. I drink a lot of water …………..I feel thirsty .
    5. ………….he graduates , he’ll have a good job .
    6. He’ll help his father ……………he leaves school .

    Question Number Three:
    Complete these sentences with ( If or Unless )
    1. …………..you help them , they’ll hate you.
    2. I wouldn’t go with them ……………..they invited me.
    3. ……………..the weather is nice , we will go to the sea.
    4. I will support her …………..she is honest .
    5. I will help him …………..he asks me .

    Question Number Four:
    Rewrite these sentences , begin with the given words.
    1. If she doesn’t clean the office , it won’t look nice.
    2. Unless he is tired , he’ll come to the meeting.
    If ……………………………………………………………….
    3. Unless you wrote clearly , they wouldn’t understand.
    If ……………………………………………………………….
    Question Number Five :
    Use type 3 to express the meanings of these sentences .
    1. He didn’t tell me the truth , so I ignored him .
    2. I caught cold because I didn’t wear my overcoat.

    3. We weren’t comfortable so we bought a larger house .

    Question Number Seven :
    Use ( could have or should have )
    1. A) I can’t visit my friend today . There is no time .
    B) You ………………………visited her yesterday .
    2.A) I think I should see the dentist today .
    B) We have a lot of work today. You …………seen him yesterday.
    3. A) I know that I should call him .
    B) You ………………called him last night. He is waiting now.
    4. A) I can buy a suit for the party now.
    B) But you …………..bought it last week. You had plenty of time.

    كيف نحول الجملة العادية إلى جملة شـرطية من النوع الثالث Type 3؟
    من السهل جداً تحويل الجملة العادية إلى جملة شرطية من النوع الثالث إذا تذكرنا القواعد التالية:
    1( إذا كان فعل الجملة )التي سنأخذ منها فعل الشرط( ماضيا مثبتا مثل visited فإننا نحوله إلى ماضٍ تام منفي فيصبحhadn’t visited
    2(إذا كان فعل الجملة )التي سنأخذ منها فعل الشرط( ماضيا منفيا مثل didn’t visit فإننا نحوله إلى ماضٍ تام مثبت فيصبح had visited
    وأمـا فعل جملة جواب الشـرط
    3( إذا كان فعل الجملة )التي سنأخذ منها فعل جواب الشرط( ماضيا مثبتا مثل helped فإننا نحوله إلى wouldn’t have helped
    4( إذا كان فعل الجملة )التي سنأخذ منها فعل جواب الشرط( ماضيا منفيا مثل didn’t help فإننا نحوله إلى would have helped

    صيغة السؤال بطرق مختلفه
    Change the following sentences into conditionals حول الجمل التالية إلى جمل شـرطية
    Say how things happened differently.
    Form conditional clause type 3
    1. She was busy. So she couldn’t go to the party.
    was فعل ماضي مثبت وهو أحد أفعال be فنحوله إلى ماضٍ تام منفي فيصبح hadn’t been
    so : فتحذف عند التحويل(if clauseالــ أي جملة) على أن الجملة التي قبلها هي الجملة التي نأخذ منها جملة الشرطso تدلنا
    couldn’t go: could have gone وهو فعل ماضي منفي فنحوله إلى so نأخذ منه فعل جواب الشرط لأنه واقع في جملة

    وبناءً على هذه النتائج يكون حل الجملة كما يلي:
    If she hadn’t been busy, she could have gone to the party.

    2. Ashraf didn’t go shopping because he had enough food to spare.
    تدل because على أن الجملة التي بعدها هي جملة الشرط )أي جملة ألـ if-clause (

    had: hadn’t hadفعل ماضي مثبت وهو الفعل الذي سنأخذ منه فعل جملة الشرط فنحوله إلى ماضٍ تام منفي فيصبح
    didn’t go: would have goneفعل ماضي منفي وهو فعل جملة جواب الشرط فنحوله إلى

    وبناءً على هذه النتائج يكون حل الجملة كما يلي:
    If Ashraf hadn’t had enough food, he would have gone shopping.

    3. The patient didn’t take the medicine, so he didn’t feel better.

    so : فتحذف عند التحويل(if clauseالــ أي جملة) على أن الجملة التي قبلها هي الجملة التي نأخذ منها جملة الشرطso تدلنا
    didn’t take: had takenفعل ماضي منفي نأخذ منه فعل جملة الشرط فنحوله إلى ماضي تام مثبت فيصبح
    didn’t feel: would have felt فعل ماضي منفي نأخذ منه فعل جملة جواب الشرط فنحوله إلى
    وبناءً على هذه النتائج يكون حل الجملة كما يلي:
    If the patient had taken the medicine, he would have felt better.

    4. I didn’t pass the mathematics exams because I wasn’t clever.

    because: تدلنا على أن الجملة التي بعدها هي جملة الشرط فتحذف عند التحويل
    didn’t pass: would have passed فعل ماضي منفي نأخذ منه فعل جملة جواب الشرط فنحوله إلى
    wasn’t: had been نأخذ منه فعل جملة الشرط فنحوله إلى ماضي تام مثبت فيصبح be فعل ماضي منفي وهو من أفعال
    وبناءً على هذه النتائج يكون حل الجملة كما يلي:
    If I had been clever, I would have passed the mathematics exams.

    Rewrite the following sentences into conditionals. He first one is done for you.

    حول الجمل التالية إلى جمل شرطية. الجملة الأولى هي مثال محلول.
    1. The boys didn’t ask for advice. So they were not able to solve their problem.
    If the boys had asked for advice, they would have been able to solve their problem.
    2. I didn’t finish my work on time. So I didn’t go to the movies.
    If ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    3. My sister didn’t take her medicine. So she didn’t get rid of the rash.
    If ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    4. I didn’t make a lot of money. So I couldn’t take a vacation.
    If ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    5. I wasn’t allergic to eggs. I ate a lot of them.
    If ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    6. She slept. So she couldn’t hear the phone.
    If ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    7. We weren’t comfortable. We bought a larger house.
    If ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    8. My father worked all day long. He couldn’t go sightseeing.
    If ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Unit five

    Catenative Verbs
    1 Verb + infinitive or verb + -ing
    1 Common verbs that take an infinitiveto +inf.)
    إذا سبقت بأي فعل من الأفعال التالية to – infinitive أفعال تأخذ
    afford, agree, appear, ask, choose, decide, expect, fail, help, hope, learn, manage, offer, promise, seem, want, would like, would prefer
    1- I don’t agree ……………………….. you .(help).
    2- We decided ……………….. abroad .(travel)
    3- They want him ………………. Medicine.(study)

    3 Common verbs that take an –ing form:
    اذا سبقت بأي من الأفعال آلاتيةing أفعال تأخذ
    avoid, consider, delay, dislike, enjoy, escape, face, feel like, finish, give up, can’t help, imagine, mention, mind, miss, suggest

    1- I avoid …………….. in front of the class.(sit)
    2- Muna enjoyed ……………….. computer games.(Play)
    3- Ali gave up …………………… (smoke)

    اسئلة اضافية
    Question Number One :
    Choose the correct form in the brackets to complete each sentence.
    1. He learnt ( to drive / driving ) a car .
    2. We enjoy ( to swim / swimming )
    3. I would prefer ( to eat / eating ) at a restaurant .
    4. They agreed ( to discuss / discussing ) the issue .
    5. They a void ( to deal / dealing ) with their neighbors .
    6. I hope ( to pass / passing ) all my exams .
    7. I can’t help ( to laugh / laughing ) when I see funny films .
    8. I feel like ( to go / going ) for a walk .
    9. I will never forget ( to visit / visiting ) Paris
    10. Please don’t forget ( to bring / bringing ) your story.
    11. They went on ( to work / working ) till they finished.
    12. After being a student, Ahmed went on ( to become , becoming )
    a doctor.
    13. He stopped ( to walk / walking ) because he became tired.
    14. Please , stop ( to make / making ) noise .The baby is sleeping.

    Question Number Two.
    Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in brackets .
    1. Would you mind ……………….the ? ( close )
    2. He seems ………………….all right . ( be )
    3. He’s hoping …………………a lot of money . ( earn )
    4. He stopped ………………, ……………..to her . ( walk / talk )
    She’d love ………………..music in the evening . ( hear )

    4 Common verbs that take an infinitive or ~ing form
    with little change of meaning:
    مع تغير بسيط في المعنى. to-inf. او ing أفعال تأخذ

    begin, continue, *hate, intend, *like, *love, *prefer, start
    مع تغير في المعنىto- inf . او ing أفعال تأخذ

    forget, go on, mean , remember, stop, try
    1. stop + -ing form = stop what one is doing (discontinue) يتوقف عن الاستمرار في عمل شيء
    1. The boy stopped crying when he saw the cat.
    2. You cough badly. You must stop smoking.
    3. When the police arrived, the two neighbours stopped quarrelling.
    4. Has the man stopped beating his children.
    5. You can leave now. It has stopped raining.
    6. When the spy approached us, we stopped talking about politics.

    2. stop + to-infinitive = pause in order to do something يقف من أجل عمل شيء
    1. When we felt tired, we stopped to have a rest.
    2. I was very thirsty, so I stopped to drink some water.
    3. Although he was in a hurry, he stopped to talk to his friend.
    4. There is a small shop on your way to Jericho. You can stop there to buy some soft drink.

    to-infاذا كان فاعلها يدل على عاقل تاخذ

    ما اذا كان فاعلها يدل على غير عاقل تاخذ

    Forget ………..ing……… never..إذا كانت مسبوقة ب
    To-inf ……… never اذا لم تكن مسبوقة ب
    try –remember–go on

    ing هذه الافعال اذا دلت على حدث قد تم في الماضي تاخذ
    to-infاما اذا دلت على حدث لم يتم فانها تاخذ

    Verb + infinitive or verb + -ing (1)
    1 Study the lists of verbs above. Forms.
    2 Complete what Phil is saying. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct forms
    ( use to –inf or ing form )nguage Lesson 5
    I’ve really enjoyed (1)__________ the money from my summer vacation job, and I’d still like (2)__________ several more things. (spend/buy)But if I go on (3) __________ the money at this rate, I won’t have any left, so I’ve decided (4)__________ a bank account and keep the money there. (use/open) I know I’m going to need it at college.At first, I considered (5)__________ my parents’ bank, but my friend Lisa suggests (6)__________ to lots of banks to find the best deal possible. (join/talk) Right now, I’m trying (7) __________ up my mind whether to do that or not, as it means (8) __________ all over town to get the banks’ leaflets and brochures about special student deals. (make/walk) I don’t really want (9)__________ it, but as I’m going to be a poor college student soon, I can’t really afford (10) __________ the best possible bank account. (do/not get)

    I mean _____ at the truth.
    a) arriving b) to arrive
    1. On my way home, I stopped _____ some gas.
    a) getting b) to get
    2. After high school, Sally went on _____ medicine.
    a) studying b) to study
    3. Before you go to sleep, don't forget _____ the door.
    a) locking b) to lock
    4. As soon as Ann turns 18, she means _____ to Hollywood.
    a) moving b) to move
    5. Jason remembered _____ in to me at a party two years ago.
    a) running b) to run
    6. We regret _____ you that we have suspended all business activity.
    a) informing b) to inform
    7. We will never forget _____ called Mommy and Daddy for the first time.
    a) being b) to be
    8. I don't regret _____ up tennis and settling down with my wife and children.
    a) giving b) to give
    9. I had to go home early yesterday because my son had forgotten _____ his key.
    a) taking b) to take

    Complete the sentences using a gerund or an infinitive.
    10- I strongly suggest _____ an attorney on hand before signing a contract to buy a home.
    a) having b) to have - The answer is: a) having
    11. Do all of us need _____?
    a) going b) to go
    12. Ali promised _____ letters to us .
    a) writing b) to write
    13Joe doesn't mind _____ by himself.
    a) working b) to work
    14. Carol and her husband seem _____ the perfect life.
    a) having b) to have
    15. Do you really enjoy _____ to work on Monday morning?
    a) going b) to go
    16. After eating its fill, the monkey decided _____ home some food.
    a) carrying b) to carry
    17. The higher return you hope to achieve, the more you must risk _____.
    a) losing b) to lose
    18. When Nick lived in Asia, he missed _____ Christmas with his family.
    a) celebrating b) to celebrate
    19. I vehemently dislike _____ with morons, screw-ups, deadbeats, crooks, and liars.
    a) dealing b) to deal
    20. Although Susan has a good job, she can't afford _____ out of her parents' house.
    a) moving b) to move

    1. Choose the correct answer:

    1- Rami avoided (play – to play – playing) in the street.
    2- The teacher refused (let – letting – to let) us (go – going – go) out for a break.
    3- I feel like (to drink – drinking – drink) some coffee.
    4- I hate (to disturb – disturb – disturbing) people when they are busy.
    5- Finally, I managed (to write – write – writing) a letter to my friend.
    6- She was busy (do – doing – to do) her homework so she didn’t answer the phone.
    7- How would you prefer (to have – have – having) your meat?
    8- I prefer (study – to study – studying) my lessons to (play – playing – played) tennis.
    9- Sami can’t help me (to do – doing – do) my homework because he is busy.
    10- I can’t help (eat – to eat – eating) fish.
    11- I‘d like (to swim – swim – swimming) in the sea with you if you don’t mind.
    12- Naguib Mahfouz deserved (winning – to win – win) the 1988 Nobel Prize.
    13- Remember (bringing – to bring – bring) the book with you tomorrow.
    14- As he was walking in the street, he stopped (writing – write – to write) the phone
    number of the company on a piece of paper.
    15- Students put their pens down and stopped (to write – writing –write)
    16- Do stop (talk – to talk – talking) , I am trying (finish – to finish – finishing) a letter.
    17- Please go on (writing – to write – write), I don’t mind (wait – waiting – to wait)
    18- The boys like (play – to play – playing) games but hate (doing – do – to do) lessons.
    19- I suggest (hold – to hold – holding) another meeting next week.
    20- I regret (to inform – informing – inform) you that you application has been refused.
    21- If you can’t turn the key try (put – putting – to put) some oil in the lock.
    22- She likes her children (to go – going – go) to a dentist every six months.
    23- Try (to forget – forget – forgetting) it, it isn’t worth (worry – worrying – to worry).
    24- Did you remember (giving – to give – give) him the key of the safe? No, I didn’t. I’ll
    go and do it now.
    25- Don’t forget (lock – locking – to lock) the door before going to bed.
    26- I didn’t mean (offend – to offend – offending) anyone but somehow I succeeded in annoying them all.

    Passive voice
    عند التحويل من مبني للمعلوم (أي الفاعل معروف في الجملة) إلى مبني للمجهول علينا التأكد من وجود مفعول به في الجملة.
    عند التحويل يجب مراعاة مايلي :
    1- المفعول به يصبح فاعل.
    2- نبحث في الفعل tense ونستعمل إحدى القواعد في الجدول المرافق .فمثلا إذا كان الفعل مضارعا فإننا نستخدم (am, is are)+ past participle
    Am إذا كان الفاعل I
    Is اذا كان الفاعل مفردا
    Are إذا كان الفاعل جمعا
    Passive voice
    verb Active voice
    (am, is are)+ past participle present 1
    (was, were)+ past participle past 2
    (am, is, are)+being+past participle Present continuous 3
    (was, were) +being+past participle Past continuous 4
    (has, have)+been+past participle Present perfect 5
    Had +been+ past participle Past perfect 6
    Modal+ be +past participle modals 7
    Be going to+be+past participle Be going to 8
    Will have been+ past participle Future perfect 9

    أمثلة على التحويل من مبني للمعلوم إلى مبني للمجهول

    Passive voice
    Active voice

    by Mary is helped John John helps Mary
    by Mary is being helped John John is helping Mary
    by Mary has been helped John John has helping Mary
    by Mary was helped John John helped Mary
    by Mary was being helped John John was helping Mary
    by Mary had been helped John John had helping Mary
    by Mary will be helped John John will help Mary
    by Mary is going to be helped John John is going to help Mary
    by Mary Will have been helped John John will have helped Mary

    Change from active voice into passive voice:
    1-Tom opens the door .
    2-Tom is opening the door.
    3-Tom has opened the door.
    4-Tom opened the door.
    5-Tom was opining the door.
    6-Tom had opened the door.
    7-Tom will open the door.
    . 8-Tom is going to open the door
    9-Tom will have opened the door
    ********************************************************الحل :
    1. The door is opened.
    2. The door is being opened .
    3. The door has been opened .
    4. The door was opened .
    5. The door was being opened .
    6. The door had been opened .
    7. The door will be opened .
    8. The door is going to be opened .
    9. The door will have been opened .
    10-Shakespeare wrote the play.
    11-Bill will invite Ann to the party.
    12-Alex is preparing that report.
    13-Waitresses and waiters serve customers.
    14-The teacher is going to explain the lesson.
    15-Shirly has suggested a new idea.
    16-Tow houses were pulling the farmer’s wagon.
    17-Dawn had returned the book to the library.
    18-By this time tomorrow, the president will have the announcement
    19-I didn’t wrote that note, Jim wrote it.
    20-His tricks won’t fool me.

    Passive questions
    1- Is he eating a cake?
    2- Was she singing a song?
    3- Were they speaking foreign ?
    4-Has the mother prepared the milk?
    5- Had you done the job?
    لاحظ أن المطلوب تحويل الأسئلة إلى المبني للمجهول.
    لاحظ المثال رقم 1
    المفعول به هو a cake ولكن لان لدينا صيغة سؤال فإننا لا نستطيع أن نبدأ به ولكن بفعل وهو is ثم المفعول به ثم نكمل صيغة الأفعال المطلوب استخدامها وهي هنا being+past participle
    فتصبح الجملة Is a cake being eaten?

    6- Does the man cut the trees?
    Are the trees cut?
    5- Do they read the story?
    Is the story read?
    بمعنى آخر: يمكن تحويل السؤال إلى جملة عادية يتم تحويلها إلى المبني للمجهول ومن ثم تحويلها إلى صيغة سؤال.

    اسئلة اضافية

    Change into Passive Voice .
    1. He owns a farm outside the village .
    2. We only sold second-hand cars .
    3. They gradually understood the problems .
    4. Sumayya is still acting this role in the play .
    5. She has also answered the questions .
    6. I have never met a man like him .
    7. The farmer was slowly cutting the trees .
    8. Did he paint the new house ?
    9. Where does she leave her children ?
    10. When will they take a vacation ?
    11. Do they meet at that hotel ?

    Insert the words in the brackets in their correct positions.
    1. They sell their old house . ( also )
    2. She will be taken to the hospital . ( probably )
    3. She is waiting for us . ( still )
    4. We have an appointment at this time . ( generally )
    5.They set up the bank in Jerusalem in 1931. ( first )

    Unit six

    Reflexive pronouns
    الضمائر المنعكسة
    Subjective pronuons Objective pronouns Possessive adjectives Possessive pronouns Reflexive pronouns
    I Me My Mine Myself
    You(sing. pl) You Your Yours Yourself/selves
    He Him His His Himself
    She Her Her Hers Herself
    It It Its Its Itself
    We Us Our Ours Ourselves
    they them their theirs themselves
    اسئلة اضافية
    Question Number One :
    Complete these sentences with reflexive pronouns . Use by or with when necessary.
    1. Did Muna hurt ……………….when she fell .
    2. The light in the room turns ………………..off.
    3. Samir left home and lived ……………………..
    4. We …………………..refused to meet him .
    5. The car ……………………was damaged .
    6. I ……………….will do the work .
    7. The boys ………………………will feed the animals .
    8. Think …………………………. . Don’t depend on others.
    9. I’m going to draw it ……………………
    10. Mr. and Mrs. Scott live …………………in the house .
    طرقة الحل : نتبع الكلمات قبل الفراغ فأول ضمير او اسم موجود نعكس عليه الضمير.
    أحيانا تستخدم by / for مع الأفعال الانعكاسية
    إذا كان في أول الجملة don't نستعمل for
    See او think قبل الفراغ نستعمل for
    BY= بمفرده-وحيدا
    For= لا يعتمد على احد/ من اجل نفسه/ لمصلحته
    مثلا He lives by himself= هو يعيش وحيدا
    He answered the question by himself أجاب بمفرده – بدون مساعدة
    Indirect forms

    عند وجود المقدمات التالية او أي مقدمة اخرى في الجملة فالحل يكون كالتالي
    I wonder
    I don’t think
    Do you know
    He asks me
    Could you tell me
    Can you tell me
    Indirect forms (2)

    * Put the pairs of sentences together to create indirect forms. (Be careful. Think about changing word order!)
    المطلوب إعادة صياغة الجمل لتكوين نموذج غير مباشر .
    الأسئلة التي تتقدم الجمل نوعان :
    وهو الذي يبدا بفعل مساعد من المجموعات الاربعة وهي افعال Yes , no question
    modals وافعال do و افعال have و افعال be


    1 What is the problem? I often don’t know.
    اداة السؤال الفاعل مقدمة الجملة
    I often don’t know what the problem is .
    2 Can I help? I often don’t know.
    I often don’t know if/whether I can help .
    3 Where did things go wrong? I have to find out.
    I have to find out where things went wrong.
    عند وجود did في السؤال تحذف ويحول الفعل الى الماضي
    عند وجود do في السؤال تحذف ويبقى الفعل infinitive
    عند وجود does في السؤال تحذف ويضاف s للفعل المضارع

    * Now create more indirect forms in the same way.
    1- What are they saying? I don’t know.
    I don’t know what they are saying.
    Can she solve the problem? I’m not sure.2
    I’m not sure if she can solve the problem.
    Is the customer listening carefully? I want to find out.3
    I want to find out if the customer is listening carefully.
    4 Why is she asking so many questions? I’ve got no idea.
    I’ve got no idea why she is asking so many questions.
    5 Has the customer understood? I’d like to know.
    I’d like to know if the customer has understood.
    6 Can she always find the answer? I wonder.
    I wonder if she can always find the answer.
    7 Where did the customer go wrong? I’m going to ask.
    I’m going to ask where the customer went wrong.
    8 How does she understand the problem so quickly? I often ask myself
    Question Number Two :
    Rewrite the following in Reported Speech .

    1. It’s going to be a long journey . I wonder …………………………….
    2. When will he arrive ? I don’t think …………………………………
    3. How long does it take him to finish ? Do you know…………………..
    4. Does he work here ? Do you know ………………………………..
    5. It was a nice sight . I think ……………………………………..
    6. Could you help me with my work ? I wonder ……………………….
    7. When did they build this school ?
    8. Do you remember ……………………………………………………..
    9. Do you smoke ? He wants to know ………………………………..
    10. Why doesn’t she come by bus ? He wonders ………………………...
    11. Have you seen a snake ? He asks me …………………………………
    مع تحيات الأستاذ وليد دويكات 837348-0599
    Unit 7 الوحدة السابعة
    Comparison of Adjectives: Unit 7

    ملاحظة : مع الصفات ذات المقطع القصير نستخدم er في حالة المقارنة بين شيئين مع وجود than بعد الصفة.
    مع الصفات ذات المقطع الطويل نستخدم more مع وجود than
    أما في حالة المقارنة بين أكثر من شيئين فإننا نستخدم est مع الصفات ذات المقطع القصير مع وجود the قبل الصفة.
    مع الصفات ذات المقطع الطويل نستخدم most مع وجود the قبل الصفة.

    The comparison of adjective.

    superlative comparative adjective
    the cleanest cleaner than clean 1
    the biggest bigger than big 2
    the nicest nicer than nice 3
    the tidiest tidier than tidy 4
    the narrowest narrower than narrow 5

    Some irregular comparative & superlative forms.
    superlative comparative adjective
    best better good/well 1
    worst worse bad/ill 2
    farthest farther far 3
    furthest further
    oldest older old 4
    eldest elder
    most more much 5
    most more many 6

    jkkkk jkhjjonger

    Longer adjective :form of regular comparison

    superlative comparative adjective
    most expensive more expensive expensive 3

    least expensive
    less expensive

    superlative comparative example
    The safest Less safe than Safer than safe short
    (not)as safe as
    the easiest less easy than easier than easy Ending in y
    Not)as easy as)
    the most recent less recent than more recent than recent Most with 2 or more syllables
    (not) as recent as
    the best less good than better than good Irregular
    the worse less bad than worse than bad
    (not)as good/bad as

    superlative comparative Example
    the most slowly less slowly than more slowly than slowly Ending in ly
    (not)as slowly as
    the best less well than better than well Irregular
    the worse worse than badly
    less badly than,(not)as well /badly as

    Put the words in brackets into the comparative or superlative form
    1- Mars is much…farther than......the moon.(far).
    2-We were the ……earliest…..to leave the stadium.(early).
    3-Astonauts travel …more dangerously than……..pilots.( dangerous).
    4-Ali got the ……worst……….mark in physics.(bad).
    5.I finish my work …more quickly than…….Ahmad .(quick).
    6-The earth looks ……more beautiful than………the moon.(beautiful).
    7-The moon's surface is …hotter than……..the earth's surface (hot),but the sun's surface is the ……hottest…………..of all.(hot).
    8-Animal farm is one of the ……most interesting……….stories I have ever read .(interesting).
    11-She seems……more beautiful………than her sister .(beautiful).
    12-Hiba speaks English …more fluently………than walid.(fluent).
    13-Hamzi was the……earliest………….to arrive.(early).
    14-Mohammad is the……best……….at s.(good)
    16-Jordan is the fastest……………..river in the world.(fast)
    17-Foodstuffs are …more expensive…………….before.(expensive).
    19-Teaching is …the best…………..job I can get.(good)
    20-Patriotism is ……the greatest……….feeling we actually have.(great)

    Unit 8 الوحدة الثامنة
    Unit 8 Lesson 5
    Prepositions with verbs and nouns & in phrases

    ˜Prepositions in time expressionsحروف الجر مع جمل و كلمات دالة على الزمن
    in at on
    الفصول seasons
    Spring, summer, autumn, winter Meal times : lunch /dinner/ breakfast الوجبات Day: On Sun, Mon,Tue,... الايام
    We will travel on Friday.
    We will travel on 9th July. .
    This chocolate will expire on 1/10/2006
    The morning الصباح
    The evening المساء
    The afternoon العصر At+ o’clock
    The weekendالاسبوع عطلة نھاية
    at the moment, at the present time … Day + morning,-night الايام + الفترة On Friday morning

    Year السنين
    In 1815, 2000,…. Festival
    Special occasions لمناسبات الخاصةh
    the national day / Mother's Day/ Independence Day
    Month الشھر
    Jan, Feb,……….. At+ Night / Midnight ا
    Noon , at middy Afternoon,evening,date التاريخ +الفترة My birthday is on June 10
    أمثلة على شرح الكتاب المدرسي:
    At => ex: I'll see you at 6:30*
    * Time : at night , at midnight ,at noon .
    * Festivals : at Christmas time .

    * In => ex : Ali was born In 1991 .
    * in is used for : years, months , seasons , decades , centuries .
    exactly for along period of time .))
    also for Parts of the day like : in the afternoon , in the morning , in the evening , in the future .

    * On => ex: I'll meet you on Monday . ( for days )
    . My birthday is on the 14th of August . ( for dates )
    * For = ex: Miss Dina has been working for 27 years .

    الفرق بين ON Time, In Time

    * On time => ex: Ramy says to his friend : I'll see you at 7:30.
    His Friend says : ok , I'll be on time .
    On time =is used for arranged time في الوقت المحدد exactly.
    * In time = ex: I'll be at home in time .(soon , not late ). في الوقت المناسب
    In / on / out of business
    she has been in business for 27 years . يعمل وليس الان
    She was about to be out of business . عاطل عن العمل
    She is away on business in Egypt . في رحلة عمل و دائما معناها مسافر في عمل

    at the end ----In the end
    • At the end of the lesson Ramy arrived = متأخرا=في نهاية الشيء أو الوقت
    at the end is used for the time when something ends .
    * I had many problems with my car , In the end I sold it .
    in the end here means : finally أخيرا (يكون معها صعوبات)

    to+inf+ الضميرWould you like+
    أمثلة: Would you like me to call you?
    Would you like her to send the letter? ..

    Example : Can I talk to miss Leila ?
    I am sorry , she is in a meeting
    The offer is : Would you like her to call you when she finishes ?
    Rule : 1) we put " WOULD "
    2) we put "YOU "
    3) we put "like"
    4) we put the Object pronoun from the subject in the example here the subject is : She or miss Leila . BUT the obj pronoun that we have to use here is: HER
    5) we put " To + the infinitive verb " .

    Unit 9 الوحدة التاسعة
    شرح مختصر للrelative clauses
    للربط بين جملتين يجب إتباع مايلي :

    1- نبحث عن اسم أو ضمير في الجملة الثانية يعود على اسم في الجملة الأولى
    2- إذا كان هذا الضمير أو الاسم subject ويدل على عاقل نستعمل who بين الجملتين ونحذف الضمير أو الاسم من الثانية
    3- إذا كان الاسم أو الضمير يدل على غير عاقل نستعمل which ونحذف الضمير.
    ملاحظة: يمكن استعمال that عوضا عن who أو which.

    إذا كان بعد الأداة فعل فهي بدل فاعل لا يمكن حذفها
    إذا كان بعد الأداة اسم أو ضمير فهي بدل مفعول به يمكن حذفها

    بإمكانك حذف ضمير الوصل who , which, that والفعل الذي يليها في الحالات التالية:

    1) إذا كان ما بعدها شبه جملة جار ومجرور.
    The man who is in the house is my father.
    The man in the house is my father.

    2) الفعل بعدها مستمرا.
    The man who is swimming in the lake is my father.
    The man swimming in the lake is my father.

    3) ما بعدها فاعل جديد وفعل.
    My house which you visited few years ago was sold

    لا تحذف ضمير الوصل والفعل :
    1) إذا جاء بعدهما صفة.
    The man who is angry is my father. ( ممنوع الحذف
    2) إذا جاء بعدهما اسم.
    man who is a doctor is my father

    - لا تحذف ضمير الوصل إذا تبعه فعل غير be .
    The man who likes Maklubeh is my father.

    whoseإياك وحذف ضمير الوصل

    page90 lesson five

    القاعدة الأولى
    Be and have

    300 meters Of Length a Has The dame
    Measurement Of Noun2 a/an Has/ have Noun 1

    We can rewrite this structure in two ways.
    ممكن كتابة هذه العبارة يطريقتين
    1) The first structure: الطريقة الأولى

    300 meters is Te dame Of The length
    Measurement Is/ are Noun 1 Of The + Noun2

    2) The second structure: الطريقة الثانية

    Long 300 meters Is The dame
    Change noun 2 to an adjective Measurement Is /are Noun 1

    noun adjective
    depth deep
    height high
    length long
    width wide

    القاعدة الثانية

    Relative Clauses

    A relative Clause is a clause that begins with a relative pronoun such as who, which
    Here is a table of the relative pronouns with their functions:

    Its function
    لماذا يستخدم Relative pronoun
    - used for subject person تستخدم للأشخاص who

    - used for things in the objective and subjective cases للأشياء which

    -used for both person and things ( in the subjective and objective cases .) لأشخاص و لأشياء that

    هذا مهم جدا لانه ممكن يأتي سؤال في الامتحان اربط الجمل بضمير مناسب
    Join the following sentences using a suitable relative pronoun?

    How to join \ combine two simple sentences using a relative pronoun?
    كيف نربط الجملة بالضمائر who, that>>>>

    Follow the following steps:
    قم بإتباع الخطوات التالية :
    1) Define the antecedent and (the noun or the pronoun) that refers to.
    حدد الاسم أو الضمير الذي تدل عليه الضميرthat /who/which
    2) Write the first sentence till the antecedent.
    اكتب الجملة الأولى حتى الكلمة التي يدل عليها الضمير
    3) Add a suitable relative pronoun. اضف الضمير المناسب سواء للأشخاص او للأشياء.....
    4) Write the second sentence. أكتب الجملة الثانية
    5) Delete the pronoun (noun) that refers to the antecedent.
    قم بحذف الكلمة المكررة ( الكلمة التي يشير لها الضمير و موجودة في الجملة الأولى.
    Examples: أمثلة
    I saw the man. He treated the injured boy.
    I saw the man who treated the injured boy.
    هنا شطبنا كلمة he لانها تعود على كلمة the man
    ,و نفس الشئ في الجمل التالية
    The little girl is excellent. She broke her leg.
    The little girl who broke her leg is excellent.

    The writer wrote a book. It talks about Palestine.
    The writer wrote a book which talks about Palestine.

    The relative Clauses can be: يوجد نوعين من هذه الجمل
    1) Defining relative clause.
    2) Non_defining relative clause

    Defining relative clauses

    Defining relative clause gives necessary information to the meaning of the sentence.
    The teacher who wears a jacket is professor Rashid.

    has two forms: a) defining relative clause
    Full form (its characteristics)
    1) Commas are not used to separate relative clauses from the rest of the sentence.
    2) (That) is freely used instead of (who) or (which).
    ممكن نستخدم thatبدل who / which
    San Francisco is a city. It welcomes different cultures.
    San Francisco is a city which welcomes different cultures.
    San Francisco is a city that welcomes different cultures.

    Sami is the person. He must complete the form.
    Sami is the person who must complete the form
    Sami is the person that must complete the form

    b) Full or reduced (its characteristics)
    1) Commas are not used to separate relative clauses from the rest of the sentence.
    2) (That) is freely used instead of (who) or (which). ممكن نستخدم thatبدل who / which

    3) If the relative pronoun is the object of the clause, it can be omitted (we call this clause reduced clause)

    This is the train. I bought it.
    Full: This is the train which I bought.
    Full: This is the train that I bought.
    Reduced: This is the train I bought.
    بإمكانك حذف ضمير الوصل والفعل في الحالات التالية:

    a) إذا كان ما بعدها شبه جملة جار ومجرور.
    The man who is in the house is my father.
    The man in the house is my father.

    b) الفعل بعدها مستمرا.
    The man who is swimming in the lake is my father.
    The man swimming in the lake is my father.

    c) ما بعدها فاعل جديد وفعل.
    My house which you visited few years ago was sold

    4) If the relative pronoun is the subject of the clause, it can't be omitted.
    لا يمكن حذف الضمير

    This is the building. It is very big.
    This is the building which is very big.

    لا تحذف ضمير الوصل والفعل في الحالات التالية:

    a- صفة إذا جاء بعدهما
    The man who is angry is my father. ( ممنوع الحذف)
    b- إذا جاء بعدهما اسم.
    man who is a doctor is my father
    c- be لا تحذف ضمير الوصل إذا تبعه فعل غير.
    The man who likes Maklubeh is my father.

    whoseإياك وحذف ضمير الوصل

    Non- defining relative clauses

    Non- defining relative clause is a clause that supplies additional information about the head noun.
    Mr. Faris, who is very tall, is a Boy Scout troop leader.
    ملاحظة هامة: في هذا النوع ممنوع حذف الضمير منعا باتا
    Important points:

    1) Commas are usually used to separate relative clauses from the rest of the sentence.
    2) (that) cannot be used instead of (who ) or ( which ) .
    3) (who) or (which ) cannot be omitted .

    The difference( in meaning ) between (non-restrictive ( non- defining ) relative clause) and restrictive ( defining ) relative clause .

    The students, who studied well, passed the exam.
    It means that all of the students studied well and all of the students passed the exam.

    We have forty students. Students who studied well passed the exam.
    This means that only some of the students studied well and some of them passed the exam.

    Exercises:أسئلة على ما سبق
    • Cross out the relative pronouns where it is possible to leave them out.
    1. The man who was speaking to you gave me this book.
    2. The lady who you want her she has just left.
    3. The book that I was reading it yesterday it was a detective story.
    4. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
    5. Where is there a shop which sells picture postcards.
    6. Grass, which cows and horses love, it is always green in England.

    Add the second sentence to the first as a non-defining relative clause.
    1. Geometry seems a very dull subject. I know nothing about it.
    2. When you check the various offers, ask yourself whether they are really useful or not. You ought to make time to do this.
    3. My sister Sally is coming with us. You met her yesterday.
    4. You can use your card to get money from the cash machine. These are called ATMs in American English.

    Prepositions of Place:
    above We were flying above the clouds
    around Everyday, we run around the playground
    at He works at the hospital
    behind Don’t forget to lock the door behind you
    below Please, don’t write below this line
    beside I keep a dictionary beside me when I am reading English
    between Jordan lies between Palestine and Iraq
    beyond The road continues beyond the village up into the hills
    by We had a day by the sea
    in He lives in a small village
    in front of The bus stops in front of our house
    near I don’t like to sit near the chalkboard
    next to I sat next to my uncle on the sofa
    on Put the book on the table, please
    opposite The bank is opposite the post office

    Prepositions of movement:
    across When you want to cross the road, look right and left
    along Go along this road then turn left
    away from The wind took our tent away from it’s place
    down The store rolled down the hill
    from He comes home from work at 7 pm
    into I saw your father coming into the school
    onto The child climbed up onto his father’s shoulders
    out of He ran out of the room
    over She spread a cloth over the table
    past He hurried past me without stopping
    round The earth moves round the sun
    through Cars are not allowed to go through old city
    to He went to the market
    towards The child came running towards me
    under The water flows under the bridge
    up He walked up the hill

    Unit Ten
    English Articles
    Articles in English are divided into two parts:
    I. Definite: (the أل التعريـف ) II. Indefinite: ( a / an ) أدوات التنكير
    When to use (a) (an) استخـدام
    1- تستخـدم قبل الإسـم المفـرد الذي لـه صيغـة جمـع وتعني واحـد
    (before singular nouns which have plural forms)= one
    Examples: a tree /a chair / a school / a man / a book. / ...etc
    2- تستخدم (an) قبل الاسـم المفـرد ولكنـه يبدأ بأحـد أحـرف العلّـة (vowels) وهـي : (a , e , (i, o, u
    Examples: an animal / an armchair /an elephant / an identity card / an old man / an ugly face…etc.
    3- إذاً، لا تستخـدم a / an قبل الاسـم غير المعدود أو الاسـم في حـلة الجمع.
    Examples: advice/ bread / cotton / coffee / food / jam / honey/ information/ oxygen/ rice / sugar /tea/ …etc.
    cows / doors / trees/ books/ boys / children/ sheep/ women/ feet/ …etc.
    4- لا تستخـدم (a / an) قبل الصفـة إذا لم يتبعهـا اسـم مفرد.
    فمن الخطـأ أن نقـول مثلاً: X(Huda is a beautiful)X أو X(Ali is an intelligent)X
    ولكن الصحيح أن نقـول: Huda is beautiful. أو Ali is intelligent.
    Ali is an intelligent boy. أو Huda is a beautiful girl. أو بإضـافـةِ اسـم كأن نقـول:
    (the) استخـدام
    تستخدـم (the) لتعريف الاسـم النكرة في حالات كثيرة، سنكتفي هنـا بمـا يهمنـا ولا نستغني عن معرفتـه. وستخدم قبل الاسـم المفرد والجمـع.
    1- تستخدم (the) قبل الأسمـاء التاليـة:
    أ- أسمـاء البحـار والمحيطـات والأنهـار وسلاسـل الجبال واتحاد الدول.
    مع أسماء البحار
    the Red Sea / the Dead Sea / the Mediterranean / the Sea of Japan / the Black Sea /the Arab Gulf
    مع أسماء الأنهار
    the Nile / the Mississippi / the Euphrates / the Tigris / the Yarmouk River / the Jordan River
    مع أسماء المحيطات
    the Atlantic Ocean / the Pacific Ocean / the Indian Ocean / the Antarctic / the Arctic
    مع أسماء السلاسل الجبلية
    the Alps / the Himalayas / the Andes /
    the United Nations / the united Kingdom / the United States of America / the United Arab Emirates
    ب- تستخدم قبل الأسماء الدالّـة على واحـد وليس لهـا ثاني من جنسهـا
    ( الأسماء الوحيدة)

    the sun / the moon / the wind/ the sky/ the west / the east/ the north/ the south/ the world / the fire

    2- لا تستخـدم (the) قبل الاسم غير المعدود إلا إذا تم تحديده أو تخصيصـه:
    Examples: I like honey. I like the honey of that factory. I like the honey which your bees produce.اسم معرف
    Coffee is good. The coffee which comes from Brazil is the best.
    اسم معرف
    I didn’t like the coffee which you bought last Thursday.
    اسم معرف

    We get wool from Sheep. The wool of your sheep is always clean.
    اسم معرف

    إذاً، نستنتـج أنـه لا يستخدم قبل الاسـم غير المعدود أي أداة تنكير أو تعريف (a / an/ the ) ونستخـدم (the) في حالـة تحديده.
    3- تستخدم (the) قبل الصفـة في حالـة المقارنـة من الدرجـة الثالثـة(superlative degree)
    The +(est , most)

    Examples: Ali is the richest in town. That tree is the largest in the field.
    Gold is the most expensive l in the world.
    Huda is the most beautiful girl in the village.
    4- تستخـدم (the) قبل الصفـة للدلالـة علـى كل من يتصـف بهـذه الصفـة وبذلك تكـون دلالتهـا على الاسـم المجموع(plural nouns)
    )الاسم الدال على جماعة)
    the + adjective : to refer to all people having certain characteristics = plural nouns.
    Examples: The blind need our help. The rich are happy. The poor aren’t happy.
    5- لا تستخـدم (the /a / an) قبل أسمـاء العلم كأسمـاء الدول والمدن والأشخـاص …الخ.
    I live in Nablus. Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.
    I visited Jordan many times, but I didn’t go to Aqaba.
    Supply a , an , or the or (nothing).
    1. -------------football is ------------ good game.
    2. It is nice to sit in --------------- armchair by ---------- fire in ---------- evening.
    3. I drink ---------- coffee before ---------- breakfast.
    4. He took up writing --------- novels late ---------- life.
    5. We get --------- wool from -------- sheep.
    6. Mary crossed ------------ Atlantic to ----------- New York in ------------ United States.
    7. --------Cairo lies on ------- Nile.
    8. ----------Mount Everest is ---------highest Mountain in -------- world.
    9. --------- young should always be kind to ----------- old.
    10. ------- Alps lies in --------- Europe.

    Question Number One

    1-When ------------- teacher reaches the age of 60, he/ she retires.
    2. Please, put ------ milk on the table in the kitchen.
    3. ---------apple a day, keeps the doctor away.
    4. I asked the expert for ------ advice, but he couldn’t help me.
    5. -------Nile is in ----- Egypt.
    6. I think ------ coffee is not good for health.
    Question Number Two
    Supply a , an , or the where necessary. Put X where an article is not needed.
    1. -----------rich should always be kind to ------ poor.
    2. Chess is ------- mental game.
    3. We get ------- wool from ----- sheep.
    4. ---------- Alps lies in ------ Europe.
    5. Dickens started writing ------novels at ------ early age.
    6. I was in bed when ------ telephone rang.
    7. ----------vegetables are good for your health
    8. There is --------- apple on the table.
    9. He is watching ------ programme on television.
    10. ------------English spoken in India is not easy to understand.

    Question Number Three
    Fill in the blanks with a, an, the or (nothing)
    1. Cairo lies on ------- Nile.
    2. I drink ------- milk before breakfast.
    3. Copper is ------- conductor of electricity.
    4. --------- sun is the main source of energy.
    5. ---------- light is necessary for plant growth.
    6. This house is very nice. Has it got ----- garden?
    7. ------------ Mount Fuji is considered something sacred.
    8. Football is ---------- good game. (2002)
    9. ---------- poor need help. (2002)
    10. I bought ------ book. (2003)
    11. All sections of society envy ----------- young. (2003)

    Unit 11
    Positions of adverbs
    Adverbs of frequency

    * Tick (✔) the normal position for the adverbs in brackets.
    1 __ they _*_ say __ they’ve checked something __ .(often)
    2 __ they __ are _*_ very __ simple __ . (usually)
    3 __ I __ may _*_ need __ to help get rid of a virus __ . (occasionally)
    يستخدم الحال بعد الفعل المساعد وقبل الفعل الرئيسي .
    Now tick the normal position for special emphasis.
    4 But _*_ they __ are __ very __ complicated __ .(sometimes)
    أحيانا بداية الجملة. sometimes
    Adverbs of manner

    * Tick (✔) the normal position for the adverbs in brackets

    1 I need to calm them down so that __ they __ can __ think _*_ . (properly)
    هنا الحال يصف الفعل بالخط الغامق فيأتي بعده
    2 __ I __ have to __ move _*_ from idea to idea __ .(quickly)
    هنا الحال يصف الفعل بالخط الغامق فيأتي بعده
    3 It’s especially satisfying when __ I __ can __ help __ people _*_ . (efficiently)
    هنا الحال يصف الفعل بالخط الغامق فيأتي بعده

    Tick the most likely position for the adverb if number 3 changes like this.

    4 It’s nice when __ I __ can _*_ help __ people __who call me __ and ask for help __ . (efficiently)
    Sentence adverbs
    * These show the speaker’s feeling about the sentence that follows.
    Amazingly, this industry now offers thousands of different jobs.
    هنا الحال يصف جميع الجملة فيأتي بالمقدمة

    Adverbs: mixed
    * Add the adverbs in brackets to the following.
    1 Rania * answers about 80 calls a day, but she has had to deal with over 150. (usually, very occasionally)
    2* She gets very tired by the end of the day. But * she loves her work. (not surprisingly, fortunately)
    3 Before starting work, she talks to callers * and tries * to make them feel relaxed. (pleasantly, hard)
    4 Her mind * moves * from one possible solution to the next. (always, quickly)
    5 * She can * find the answer to a problem in less than two minutes. (amazingly, often)
    Positions of adverbs

    Adverbs can appear in several positions in sentences, but the different types have normal positions, and these are the safe ones to use.
    الحال يظهر في الجملة في عدة مواقع
    1 Adverbs of frequencyظروف أو أحوال التكرار
    The normal position is just before the main verb: قبل الفعل الرئيسي وبعد الفعل المساعد
    مثال :
    She never understands. She doesn’t always understand. She can usually understand.
    But with a modal verb using to, put the adverb first: قبل الفعل المساعد
    She often has to ask for an explanation.
    But in a sentence with be , put the adverb second . بي بعد افعال be
    Her answers are usually correct.
    For special emphasis, we can put these adverbs at the beginning of a sentence.
    (Sometimes, often, ususlly, generally, normally)
    2- Adverbs of manner ظروف الحال (أي التي تدل على كيفية حدوث الفعل )
    The normal positions are:الموقع الطبيعي
    (a) after a main verb with no object:
    بعد الفعل الرئيسي عند عدم وجود م به I wrote quickly.
    (b) either before or after a verb +‘short’ object:
    I wrote a letter quickly.بعد الفعل عند وجود م به (غالبا اخر الجملة) م به قصير
    I quickly wrote a letter.او قبل الفعل
    (c) before a verb + ‘long’ object:
    I quickly wrote a letter to the Director.قبل الفعل اذا كان ال م به طويل

    3 Sentence adverbsأحوال الجملة
    These show the speaker’s feeling about the whole sentence. The normal position is therefore naturally at the start of the sentence:
    اذا كان استعمال الحال لوصف جميع الجملة أي لوصف شعور المتكلم يكون اول الجملة .
    Luckily, I usually find the answer.
    Not surprisingly, she gets very tired by the end of the day

    Unit Twelve

    Reported Speech
    Speech is divided into two parts: يقسـم الكلام المنقول إلى قسمين
    I. Direct Speech : كلام مباشـر it means we hear / write / tell the exact words of the speaker without
    changing anything from his words. A pair of inverted commas usually sets it off.
    II. Indirect Speech: كلام غير مباشـر It means we hear/ write/tell the words of the speaker in another way but we
    keep the meaning.
    Elements of reported speech عناصر الكلام المنقول الرئيسـة
    1. speech : the words of the speaker (exact or not exact) الكلام / مباشـر أو غير مباشـر
    2. a speaker : the person who speaks the speech. المتكلم
    3. a reporter: someone who tells us what others say. الشخص الذي يخبرنا ما قال الآخرون (المراسـل)
    4. an introductory verb: the verb which precedes a speech الفعل الذي يسبق الكلام
    5. a listener: the one to whom the speech is said. الشخص / الأشخاص المخاطبون

    The man said, “The weather is fine.” Direct speech

    speaker introductory speech inverted commas ( فاصلتان مقلوبتان )
    The man said (that) the weather was fine. Indirect Speech

    تبليغ جمل بأفعال متنوعة Part One: Reporting sentences with different verb tenses

    Direct Speech Indirect Speech
    present simple tenseيتحول الفعل إلـى
    past simple tense
    1. Ali said, “I sleep early every day.”
    2. Huda said, “ I go to school every day.”
    3. The man said, “Salma likes travelling.”
    4. Ali said, “My brother speaks English.”
    5. The students said, “Our teacher is good.”
    6. Ali said, “I have some money.”
    7. Ali said, “Huda has some money.”
    8. Ali said, “I am a student.”
    9. Huda said, “My brother is ill.”
    10. Ali said, “The boys are clever.” 1. Ali said (that) he slept early every day.
    2. Huda said she went to school every day.
    3. The man said Salma liked travelling.
    4. Ali said his brother spoke English.
    5. The students said their teacher was good.
    6. Ali said he had some money.
    7. Ali said Huda had some money.
    8. Ali said (that) he was a student.
    9. Huda said her brother was ill.
    10. Ali said the boys were clever.

    present perfect tense (have/has + p.p.)
    past perfect tense (had + p.p.)

    1. They said, “We have met the manager.”
    2. Huda said, “I’ve visited my aunt.”
    3. Ali said, “My sister has written a letter.”
    4. The man said, “I have bought a car.”
    5. The boys said, “Our teacher has been absent.”
    6. The girl said, “My brother has won a prize.” 1. They said (that) they had met the manager.
    2. Huda said she had visited her aunt.
    3. Ali said his sister had written a letter.
    4. The man said he had bought a car.
    5. The boys said their teacher had been absent.
    6. The girl said her brother had won a prize.
    Modal Verbs (present) Modal verbs (past)
    1. He said, “I’ll see the school principal.”
    2. She said, “I can drive the car.”
    3. They said, “We must go early.”
    4. She said, “The baby may wake up.”
    5. The man said, “Ali ought to study hard.” 1. He said (that) he’d see the school principal.
    2. She said she could drive the car.
    3. They said they had to go early.
    4. She said the baby might wake up.
    5. The man said Ali ought to study hard.
    Direct Speech Indirect Speech
    past simple tenseيتحول الفعل إلـى
    Past perfect tense (had + p.p.)
    1. “I saw the man,” said Ali.
    2. My parents said, “We knew the man.”
    3. I wrote the letter,” she said.
    4. The girl said, “I didn’t know the answer.”
    5. The boys said, “We didn’t speak .”
    6. Ali said, “Huda gave me the book.”
    7. She said, “I had some friends in Amman.” 1. Ali said (that) he had seen the man.
    2. My parents said they had known the man.
    3. She said she had written the letter.
    4. The girl said she hadn’t known the answer.
    5. The boys said they hadn’t spoken.
    6. Ali said Huda had given him the book.
    7. She said she had had some friends in Amman.

    نلاحظ مما سبق أنه عند تحويل الجمل من (direct speech) إلى (indirect speech) فإن الضمائر والأفعال تتحول كما يلي:

    Direct Indirect Direct Indirect Direct Indirect
    I he am was
    was had been
    she is were
    we they are were wrote had written
    has had saw had seen
    my her invite invited didn’t hadn’t
    his can could
    me him will would
    her must had to
    our their don’t
    doesn’t didn’t

    Part Two : reporting questions تبليـغ السـؤال
    I. Reporting Yes/No questions
    هي الأسئلـة التي تبدأ بالفعل المسـاعد مثـل: (can, will, has, have, are, is, am, was, were….etc.)
    تكون صيغـة السؤال الذي جوابـه (نعم / لا) كما يلي:Auxiliary verb + subject + verb
    Can Ali drive a car? Does she live in the city? Is Ahmed a teacher? Has Huda visited her friend?
    عند تحويل أسئلـة من هذا النوع إلـى (reported speech) فإنـنا نستخدم القاعدة التالية:
    (Speaker) +asked + (whether أو if) +subject + (aux. + verb)
    الأفعال المسـاعدة (does / do / did) تحذف عند التحويل أما الأفعال الأخرى فتحول إلى صيغـة الماضي.
    Aux. +subject + verb + ………. He asked + (if /whether) + subject + (aux. + verb)
    (Does / Do / Did ) Simple past / past perfect)
    1. He asked, “Does Huda go to school?”
    2. He asked, “Do the boys go to school?”
    3. She asked, “Did the doctor arrive?”
    4. “Does Ali have a car?” asked Huda.
    5. “Do you know the answer?” he asked. 1. He asked if Huda went to school.
    2. He asked if the boys went to school.
    3. She asked if the doctor had arrived.
    4. Huda asked if Ali had a car.
    5. He asked if I knew the answer.
    is am / are / was were يتحول الفعل إلـى
    was / were / had been
    1. The boy asked, “Am I ill?”
    2. “Is Ali a doctor?” we said.
    3. He said to me, “Are there any books on the table?”
    4. “Was Ali ill?” she asked.
    5. He asked, “Were there any students in the class?”
    6. They asked, “Is Ali sleeping?”
    7. They asked, “Was Ali sleeping?” 1. The boy asked if he was ill.
    2. We asked if Ali was a doctor.
    3. He told me if there were some books on the table.
    4. She asked if Ali had been ill.
    5. He asked if there had been some students in the class.
    6. They asked if Ali was sleeping.
    They asked if Ali had been sleeping.

    modal verbs (present) modal verbs (past)

    1. “Can you speak English?”
    2. “Must we leave early?” asked the boys.
    3. “May I leave the class?” 1. They wanted to know if I could speak English.
    2. The boys asked if they had to leave early.
    3. The student asked if he might leave the class.
    has / have / had / + p.p. had + p.p.
    1. “Has Ali seen the book?”
    2. “Have the boys slept?”
    3. “Had Ali arrived from Jordan?” 1. They asked if Ali had seen the book.
    2. He asked if the boys had slept.
    3. I asked if Ali had arrived from Jordan.

    II. Reporting wh-questions
    Wh-word +aux. + subject + verb He asked + wh-word + subject + verb
    direct speech indirect speech
    1. “What is your name?” asked the teacher.
    2. My father (speaking to me) “Where was Ali?”
    3. “When does she leave?” asked the man.
    4. “How do the boys go to school?” I asked.
    5. “Why did Huda write a letter?”
    6. “ What were you waiting for?”
    7. “What are the boys doing?”
    8. “When will she come back?”
    1. The teacher asked me what my name was.
    2. My father asked me where Ali had been.
    3. The man asked when she left.
    4. I asked how the boys went to school.
    5. He asked why Huda had written the letter.
    6. They asked me what I had been waiting for.
    7. The teacher asked what the boys were doing.
    8. The man asked when she would come back.

    Part Three : Reporting Commandsجمل الأمر / الطلب
    نستخدم مع جمل الطلب دائماً الأفعال(ordered /asked /told) لأن هذه الأفعال يتبعها (object) وحيث أن الجمل الطلبيـة أو جمل النهي تحتوي دائماً علـى (object) وهو الـمخاطَـب الموجّـه إليه الأمـر أو النهـي.

    Commands are divided into partsتقســم جمل الطلـب/الأمـر إلـى قسمين
    I. Positive الطلـب
    direct speech indirect speech
    1. The mother (to her son): “Be quiet!”
    2. Ali: “Open the door, Ahmed.”
    3. The teacher (to the students): “Write your names, please.”
    4. The policeman (to the driver): “Show me your license,
    5. The patient (to the nurse): “Shut the , please.”
    6. The dentist: “Open your mouth, boy.” 1. The mother ordered her son to be quiet.
    2. Ali told Ahmed to open the door.
    3. The teacher asked the students to write their names.
    4. The policeman ordered the driver to show him his
    driving license.
    5. The patient told the nurse to shut the
    6. The dentist asked the boy to open his mouth.

    II. Negative النهـي
    1. The man: “ Don’t be late, my son.”
    2. Ali (to his brother): “Don’t shut the door.”
    3. The teacher (to the students): “Don’t be noisy.”
    4. Ali: “Don’t wait for me, Ahmed.” 1. The man told his son not to be late.
    2. Ali asked his brother not to shut the door.
    3. The teacher ordered the students not to be noisy.
    4. Ali told Ahmed not to wait for him.

    Exercises تطبيقـات
    Change each of the following from direct into delayed indirect speech:
    1. “Stay in bed for a few days.”
    The doctor told me ------------------------------------------------------------------
    2. “Were you at home?”
    She asked me ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    3. “My car has been stolen.”
    He reported ------------------------------------------------------------------
    4. “I lost my bag.”
    He said -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    5. “Shall I bring him some tea?”
    He offered ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    6. She said to me: “ Swimming is my favourite hobby.”
    She told me that -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    7. The doctor (to the patient): “Don’t smoke.”
    The doctor asked ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    8. My mother (speaking to me): “Have you promised to visit your friend?”
    My mother asked ------------------------------------------------------------
    9. “Why do the guests leave the party very early?”
    He wanted to know -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    10. “Please, sit down.”
    The manager told me ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    11. “Do you smoke?”
    He also asked me ----------------------------------------------------------------
    12. “I do occasionally.”
    I told him ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    13. “I don’t like to smoke when I’m working.”
    I told him-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    14. “Where have you worked before?”
    He wanted to know -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    15. “I spent five years with an architect.”
    I replied that --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    16. “Can you take shorthand?”
    He wanted to know -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    17. “Of course I can.”
    I replied that -------------------------------------------------------------
    18. I’ll be here on Monday morning.
    She told us ------------------------------------------------------------------
    19. Where did you go last night?
    He wanted to know ----------------------------------------------------
    20. Are these snakes dangerous?
    Ali asked the man --------------------------------------------------------
    21. Don’t touch the wires, Ahmed.
    Ahmed’s mother warned him -------------------------------------------------------

    تم بعون الله
    Imad Atawneh

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