امتحان يومي لغة انجليزية للصف الخامس شهر 11 نوفمبر الفصل الاول

امتحان يومي لغة انجليزية للصف الخامس شهر 11 نوفمبر الفصل الاول

امتحان اللغة الانجليزية شهر 11 للصف الخامس 2016-2017
امتحانات انجليزي شهر 11 نوفمبر للصف الخامس

ورقة امتحان لغة انجليزية مميزة للصف الخامس الفصل الاول شهر 11
امتحان يومي لغة انجليزية للصف الخامس شهر 11 نوفمبر الفصل الاول
Palestinian National Authority
Ministry of Education & Higher Education
Directorate of Education /Southern Hebron
Al-Farouq Boys Basic School
Teacher : Talal Meawei

________________________Name :

PalestineٍState of
Class: 5th ( A -- B -- C ) Ministry of Education & Higher Education
Date : 22 11 2016
Directorate of Education /Southern Hebron

------ Al-Farouq Boys Basic School

دؤفمغ ...الاسم:..................................................

1- Read and answer :
The season of autumn is windy .The months of September,October , and November are in Autumn . We can fly our kites in October .Amy and Rania look at the internet .They look at the Spring flowers . Spring is in the months of March, April and May .

1-Read and write ( ) or ( X
1-- The season of autumn is very hot . ( )
2- Amy and Rania can fly a kite in autumn . ( )
3- They look at the spring flowers in spring . ( )

2- Complete .
a-September , October and ----------------- are in -----------
b- We can fly our kites in ------------------.

3- Answer .
1- When's Spring ?
2-What can we do in October ?
3-Why does Omer fly his kite in Autumn ?
3- Choose and complete
October year winter summer

1-June ,July and August are months of ------------------.
2- In --------------------we pick olives .
3- There are twelve months in the ------------------
4- The -----------------months are December , January and February.

4- W rite

atmunu 2- wr ntei 3- msmure
_________ _________ __________
5- Read and answer .
What do you do every day ?
1-- I --------------------( wash ) my hands .
2- I------------------(-make ) my bed .

What does she do every day?
3- She ---------------( go ) to school .
4- She --------------( clean ) her bedroom .

6- Choose :
1- We like summer ( or - and ) autumn .
2- It is snowy ( in -on ) December .
3- February has ( 30 - 28 ) days .
4- Omar can ( pick - picking ) olives in October .
5- Everyday I ( wash - washes ) my head
6- She ( ride - rides ) her bike every day .

7- Copy .
January February March April


Talal Meawei

الصفالصف الخامس
الفصلالفصل الأول
المبحثاللغة الانجليزية
نوع المحتوىامتحانات واوراق عمل
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