حل الامتحان النهائي في اللغة الانجليزية المسائي للصف العاشر الفصل الاول 2016/2017 خان يونس

حل الامتحان النهائي في اللغة الانجليزية المسائي للصف العاشر الفصل الاول 2016/2017 خان يونس

الإجابة النموذجية
The model answer
الصف العاشر 2016-2017
الفترة المسائية
1- Listening
1-A: 1- a long time 2- swimming
1-B: 1- (T)2- (F)

2- Speaking
A: (1) c (2) a (3) d (4) b
B: 1- could you buy me a sandwich, please?
2- Shall I help you?/ I could help you.

3- Reading Comprehension
A- 1- sun’s heat, water and air.
2- They hit land so powerfully.
3- They can cause great destruction.

B- 1- (T) 2- (F)
C- 1- space satellites, weather balloons and weather stations. 2- warnings
D- 1- force 2- destruction
E- 1- dangerous 2- powerfully
F- 1- givers of life 2- hurricanes

4- Vocabulary
A- 1- nowhere 2- castle 3- about to 4- cancelled 5- properly
B- 1- weighs 2- usual
C- (3) (1) (2) (4)
D- 1- put up 2- take out 3- take off

5- Language
A- 1- is going to2- must 3- scared 4- watching 5- go 6- high
B- 1- She was a lucky girl. She won the first prize. 2- Laptops are more expensive than
mobile phones.
3- You should study hard. 4- The disaster was so huge that a million people died.

6- Story
A-1- Sir Francis to PhileaseFogg
B- 1- (F) 2- (T)
C- 1- taking off his shoes and hit the priests. 2- a court room
D- 1- He bought an elephant. 2- He paid 2000 pounds/f1000 for each man.
7- Writing
The paragraph must be checked according to the writing criteria.

الصفالصف العاشر
الفصلالفصل الأول
المبحثاللغة الانجليزية
نوع المحتوىامتحانات واوراق عمل
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