مراجعة لغه انجليزيه الوحدات 6-9 صف 12

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المنهاج الفلسطيني لجميع الصفوف  الامتحانات لجميع الصفوف 

النتائج 1 إلى 2 من 2

الموضوع: مراجعة لغه انجليزيه الوحدات 6-9 صف 12

الوحدة السادسة Unit 6 Unit 6 بالنسبة ل make & do احفظ الأسماء و الأفعال التي تأتي ورائها كما هي في الكتاب المدرسي الخخ homework, exercise :مثل: do مثلا

  1. #1
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Mar 2013

    Icon (13) مراجعة لغه انجليزيه الوحدات 6-9 صف 12

    الوحدة السادسة Unit 6

    Unit 6

    بالنسبة ل make & do احفظ الأسماء و الأفعال التي تأتي ورائها كما هي في الكتاب المدرسي
    الخخ homework, exercise :مثل: do مثلا عندك قائمة كلمات تأتي مع
    الخ decision, suggesionمثل و make و ايضا افعال تأتي مع
    Do make have
    1 (some) homework suggestion Meal ( dinner- breakfast..)
    2 ing Progress Party
    3 Housework Noise Rest
    4 Project Mistake Shower
    5 Revision Meal( dinner- tea--- Test
    6 Test List ( some )time
    7 Washing Difference A walk
    8 Promise
    9 Threat
    10 Decision

    Use 'do' or 'make' or ' have'in the following sentences. Be sure to conjugate the verb.
    1. May I ____ a telephone call?
    2. Please stop ___ so much noise!
    3. She ____ her homework before she went to bed.
    4. Would you like me ____ you a cup of tea?
    5. I wish you ____ an effort on this exam.
    6. I usually________ a shower after training.
    7. I don't _______time for playing, I must study
    8. It took him a long time ____ a decision.
    9. Do you mind ____ the washing-up this evening?
    10.Look at your room! You ____ a mess!
    12. I usually________breakfast in a restaurant.
    14. I know you ____ your best last week.

    الضمائر الانعكاسية Reflexive Pronouns
    - Reflexive pronouns are often used when the action described by the verb is directed toward the thing referred to by the subject of the verb.
    - تستخدم الضمائر الانعكاسية لوصف فعل يعود على الفاعل من الفعل في نفس الجملة
    - I washed myself thoroughly before putting on clean clothes.
    -- Did you hurt yourself?

    - Reflexive pronouns can also be used when it is desired to
    emphasize a personal pronoun. تستخدم الضمائر الانعكاسية ايضا للتاكيد

    -. I myself saw what happened.
    - Did he solve the problem himself?
    - She did the work herself.

    Subjective Case حالة الفاعل الضمير المنعكس Reflexive Pronoun
    I myself
    You yourself للمفرد
    He himself
    She herself
    It itself
    We ourselves
    You ـyourselves للجمع
    They themselves
    أحيانا تستخدم by / for مع الأفعال الانعكاسية
    By himself ---For himself
    BY= بمفرده-وحيدا
    مثلاHe lives by himself= هو يعيش وحيدا
    He answered the question by himself أجاب بمفرده – بدون مساعدة

    For= لا يعتمد على احد/ من اجل نفسه/ لمصلحته/ independentlyبشكل مستقل
    He is in college now, he can do many things for himself.
    I can see for myself.
    She works for herself.
    Think for yourself.

    A. Fill in the gaps as appropriate.
    1. Mahal! Please behave __________.
    2. The pop star __________ attended the wedding ceremony, as she had promised.
    3. I sent __________ a letter, but she hasn't replied to __________ yet.
    4. We send letters to __________ regularly. I get on very well with __________. She's, in fact, my best friend.
    5. We looked at __________ in amazement, but we didn't say anything.
    6. Make __________ at home, Ali. I'll be right back.
    7. We've known __________ since we were kids. We even were at school together.
    8. I made a fool of __________ by saying that stupid thing.
    9. "He hurt __________ when he was playing soccer.
    10. When you see your sister, give my regards to __________, please.

    Unit 7 الوحدة السابعة
    1- الكلمة و عكسهاopposites
    Meaning in Arabic
    معنى الكلمة بالعربية Opposite
    عكس الكلمة Meaning in Arabic
    معنى الكلمة بالعربية Word(s)
    مستقبل future ماضي past
    يخفف الوزن lose (weight) يزيد الوزن put on (weight)
    ينتهي stop, finish يبدأ start
    يقبل accept يرفض refuse
    سيء bad جيد well
    سهل easy صعب difficult
    نحيف thin سمين fat
    سعيد happy حزين sad
    ايجابي positive سلبي negative
    ممل boring ممتع interesting
    نتائج effects أسباب causes
    يشمل include يستثني exclude
    غريب strange عادي normal

    Comparison of Adjectives

    ملاحظة : مع الصفات ذات المقطع القصير نستخدم er في حالة المقارنة بين شيئين مع وجود than بعد الصفة.
    مع الصفات ذات المقطع الطويل نستخدم more مع وجود than
    أما في حالة المقارنة بين أكثر من شيئين فإننا نستخدم est مع الصفات ذات المقطع القصير مع وجود the قبل الصفة.
    مع الصفات ذات المقطع الطويل نستخدم most مع وجود the قبل الصفة.

    The comparison of adjective.

    superlative comparative adjective الصفة
    the cleanest cleaner than clean 1
    the biggest bigger than big 2
    the nicest nicer than nice 3
    the tidiest tidier than tidy 4
    the narrowest narrower than narrow 5

    Some irregular comparative & superlative forms بعض الصفات الشاذه.
    superlative comparative adjective
    best better good/well 1
    worst worse bad/ill 2
    farthest farther far 3
    furthest further
    oldest older old 4
    eldest elder
    most more much 5
    most more many 6

    jkkkk jkhjjonger

    Longer adjective :form of regular comparison صياغة صفة التفضيل من الصفات التي عدد أحرفها كبير

    superlative comparative adjective
    pleasantest pleasanter pleasant 1
    most pleasant more pleasant
    least pleasant less pleasant
    most careful more careful careful 2
    least careful less careful
    most expensive more expensive expensive 3

    least expensive less expensive

    superlative comparative example
    The safest Less safe than Safer than safe short
    (not)as safe as
    the easiest less easy than easier than easy Ending in y
    Not)as easy as)
    the most recent less recent than more recent than recent Most with 2 or more syllables
    (not) as recent as
    the best less good than better than good Irregular
    the worse less bad than worse than bad
    (not)as good/bad as

    superlative comparative Example
    the most slowly less slowly than more slowly than slowly Ending in ly
    (not)as slowly as
    the best less well than better than well Irregular
    the worse worse than badly
    less badly than,(not)as well /badly as

    Put the words in brackets into the comparative or superlative form
    1- Mars is much…farther than......the moon.(far).
    2-We were the ……earliest…..to leave the stadium.(early).
    3-Astonauts travel …more dangerously than……..pilots.( dangerous).
    4-Ali got the ……worst……….mark in physics.(bad).
    5.I finish my work …more quickly than…….Ahmad .(quick).
    6-The earth looks ……more beautiful than………the moon.(beautiful).
    7-The moon's surface is …hotter than……..the earth's surface (hot),but the sun's surface is the ……hottest…………..of all.(hot).
    8-Animal farm is one of the ……most interesting……….stories I have ever read .(interesting).
    11-She seems……more beautiful………than her sister .(beautiful).
    12-Hiba speaks English …more fluently………than walid.(fluent).
    13-Hamzi was the……earliest………….to arrive.(early).
    14-Mohammad is the……best……….at s.(good)
    16-Jordan is the fastest……………..river in the world.(fast)
    17-Foodstuffs are …more expensive…………….before.(expensive).
    19-Teaching is …the best…………..job I can get.(good)
    20-Patriotism is ……the greatest……….feeling we actually have.(great)

    *Some Notes:ملاحظات

    1- With the positive form or comparison of equality, we use:
    As + adj + As
    1- Ali is as clever as Sameer.
    2- Milk is as white as snow.
    3- Agriculture is as important as industry.
    4- Petroleum is as precious as gold.

    *With the negative form (comparison of inequality), we us
    not as ------------------ as
    not so ----------------- as
    1- Wealth is not so important as wealth.
    2- Old people can’t be so active as young people.
    3- Spring is not so hot as summer.

    2- If we want to compare countable nouns, we use:
    As many as Or fewer and fewest
    1- We need as many copies as possible.
    2- He ate fewer apples than I, but she ate the fewest.

    *If we want to compare uncountable nouns, we use:
    as much as Or less than and the least.
    1- He took as much bread as I did.
    2- There isn’t as much water as we thought.
    3- Rami ate a little macaroni, m ate less than Rami but Hani at the least.
    *Sometimes we have two-connected actions increasing or decreasing as the case might be.
    With such relation we use:
    The + comarative ----------- the + comparative
    1- The harder he studies, the less marks he gets.
    2- The darker the room becomes, the more troublesome the work is.
    Prepeared by : Supervisor : Munir Saleh
    Supervisor :Ahmed Elhabash

    القواعد في الوحدة 7
    1- Verb+ing/ to+inf تم شرحه في وحدة الخامسة

    2- Suggesting, advising and warning (Page 70 L5)

    Along with giving orders, these forms are ways of getting other people to do things.They vary from gentle
    suggestions to strong warnings and orders.
    هناك طرق تطلب من الناس فيها القيام ببعض الأشياء..منها الاقتراح اللطيف و التحذير القوي و الأمر

    Suggestingالاقتراح Advising النصيحة Warning التحذير

    You could …
    Why not (+ infinitive) …?
    What about (+ -ing) …? You should(n’t) …
    You ought (not) to …
    If I were you, I would(n’t) …
    You had better (not) …
    If you (don’t) …, you’ll (you won’t)
    Unless you …, you’ll (you won’t) …

    A: choose from these problem situations. اختار من العبارات السابقة ما يناسب الموقف
    • You have a bad toothache, but you hate going to the dentist. You should go to a doctor ممكن نصيحة او اقتراح
    • You have had a big argument with an old friend, but now you want to stop fighting. What about stopping this argument?
    • Somebody in your class broke a and now refuses to tell your teacher
    the whole class is in bad trouble. If I were you, I would tell the teacher….ممكن نصيحة if you don’t tell the teacher, I willأو تحذير
    • A ‘friend’ has borrowed your (item(s)) and keeps ‘forgetting’ to give it back. If you don't give me my ---, I won't lend you anything again.هذا تحذير و ممكن تنصحه...
    ملاحظة :
    لا يوجد خطأ اذا استخدمت أي منها فهي متقاربة المهم تستخدم العبارة بشكل صحيح يعني قاعدةif مثلا أو استخدام ing بعد what aboutو هكذا....

    Unit 8 الوحدة الثامنة
    1- الكلمة و عكسها
    Meaning in Arabic
    معنى الكلمة بالعربية Opposite
    عكس الكلمة Meaning in Arabic
    معنى الكلمة بالعربية Word(s)
    يسمح allows يمنع prevents
    حديث modern قديم ancient
    كبير major صغير minor
    أوسع widest أضيق narrowest
    تبع follows قاد led
    مصدر exported مستورد imported
    متزايد increasing متناقص decreasing
    مستقبل future , present* ماضي past

    شرح القواعد... …Unit 8
    Lesson 5

    Prepositions with verbs and nouns & in phrases

    Prepositions in time expressionsحروف الجر مع جمل و كلمات دالة على الزمن
    in at on
    الفصول seasons
    Spring, summer, autumn, winter Meal times : lunch /dinner/ breakfast الوجبات Day: On Sun, Mon,Tue,... الايام
    We will travel on Friday.
    We will travel on 9th July. .
    This chocolate will expire on 1/10/2006
    The morning الصباح
    The evening المساء
    The afternoon العصر At+ o’clock
    The weekendالاسبوع عطلة نھاية
    at the moment, at the present time … Day + morning,-night الايام + الفترة On Friday morning

    Year السنين
    In 1815, 2000,…. Festival
    Special occasions لمناسبات الخاصةh
    the national day / Mother's Day/ Independence Day
    Month الشھر
    Jan, Feb,……….. At+ Night / Midnight ا
    Noon , at middy Afternoon,evening,date التاريخ +الفترة My birthday is on June 10
    أمثلة على شرح الكتاب المدرسي:
    At => ex: I'll see you at 6:30مع الوقت( الساعة)*

    مع فترات اليوم – صباحا- ظهرا.... Time : at night , at midnight ,at noon .

    Festivals : at Christmas time .

    * In => ex : Ali was born In 1991 .
    * in is used for : years, months , seasons , decades , centuries .
    exactly for along period of time .))
    also for Parts of the day like : in the afternoon , in the morning , in the evening , in the future .

    * On => ex: I'll meet you on Monday . ( for days )
    . My birthday is on the 14th of August . ( for dates )
    * For = ex: Miss Dina has been working for 27 years .

    الفرق بين ON Time, In Time

    * On time => ex: Ramy says to his friend : I'll see you at 7:30.
    His Friend says : ok , I'll be on time .
    On time =is used for arranged time في الوقت المحدد exactly.
    • In time = ex: I'll be at home in time . (soon , not late ). في الوقت المناسب

    In / on / out of business
    she has been in business for 27 years . يعمل
    She was about to be out of business . عاطل عن العمل
    She is away on business in Egypt .
    في رحلة عمل و دائما on business معناها مسافر في عمل

    at the end ----In the end
    • Ramy arrived At the end of the lesson = متأخرا=في نهاية الشيء أو الوقت
    at the end is used for the time when something ends .

    أخيرا/ بعد مجهود* I had many problems with my car , In the end I sold it.
    in the end here means : finally أخيرا

    Would you like+ الضمير+ to+ الفعل ------
    أمثلة: Would you like me to call you?
    Would you like her to send the letter? ..

    Example : Can I talk to miss Leila ?
    I am sorry , she is in a meeting
    The offer is : Would you like her to call you when she finishes ?
    Rule : 1) we put " WOULD "
    2) we put "YOU "
    3) we put "like"
    4) we put the Object pronoun from the subject in the example here the subject is : She or miss Leila . BUT the obj pronoun that we have to use here is: HER
    5) we put " To + the infinitive verb " .

    Unit 9 الوحدة التاسعة
    أولا: الكلمات و المفردات Vocabulary
    1- الكلمة و عكسها

    Meaning in Arabic
    معنى الكلمة بالعربية Opposite
    عكس الكلمة Meaning in Arabic
    معنى الكلمة بالعربية Word(s)
    شمالي northern جنوبي southern
    رفع raised أنزل lowered
    قمة top قاع bottom
    خطر danger سلامة safety
    حضري urban ريفي rural
    وافد non-immigrant , emigrant مهاجر immigrant
    مهني non-academic, vocational أكاديمي academic


    شرح مختصر للrelative clauses
    للربط بين جملتين يجب إتباع مايلي :

    1- نبحث عن اسم أو ضمير في الجملة الثانية يعود على اسم في الجملة الأولى
    2- إذا كان هذا الضمير أو الاسم subject ويدل على عاقل نستعمل who بين الجملتين ونحذف الضمير أو الاسم من الثانية
    3- إذا كان الاسم أو الضمير يدل على غير عاقل نستعمل which ونحذف الضمير.
    ملاحظة: يمكن استعمال that عوضا عن who أو which.

    إذا كان بعد الأداة فعل فهي بدل فاعل لا يمكن حذفها
    إذا كان بعد الأداة اسم أو ضمير فهي بدل مفعول به يمكن حذفها

    بإمكانك حذف ضمير الوصل who , which, that والفعل الذي يليها في الحالات التالية:

    1) إذا كان ما بعدها شبه جملة جار ومجرور.
    The man who is in the house is my father.
    The man in the house is my father.

    2) الفعل بعدها مستمرا.
    The man who is swimming in the lake is my father.
    The man swimming in the lake is my father.

    3) ما بعدها فاعل جديد وفعل.
    My house which you visited few years ago was sold

    لا تحذف ضمير الوصل والفعل :
    1) إذا جاء بعدهما صفة.
    The man who is angry is my father. ( ممنوع الحذف
    2) إذا جاء بعدهما اسم.
    man who is a doctor is my father

    - لا تحذف ضمير الوصل إذا تبعه فعل غير be .
    The man who likes Maklubeh is my father.

    whoseإياك وحذف ضمير الوصل

    page90 lesson five

    القاعدة الأولى
    Be and have

    300 meters Of Length a Has The dame
    Measurement Of Noun2 a/an Has/ have Noun 1

    We can rewrite this structure in two ways.
    ممكن كتابة هذه العبارة يطريقتين
    1) The first structure: الطريقة الأولى

    300 meters is Te dame Of The length
    Measurement Is/ are Noun 1 Of The + Noun2

    2) The second structure: الطريقة الثانية

    Long 300 meters Is The dame
    Change noun 2 to an adjective Measurement Is /are Noun 1

    noun adjective
    depth deep
    height high
    length long
    width wide

    القاعدة الثانية

    Relative Clausesشرح مفصل للقاعدة...........

    A relative Clause is a clause that begins with a relative pronoun such as who, which
    Here is a table of the relative pronouns with their functions:

    Its function
    لماذا يستخدم Relative pronoun
    - used for subject person تستخدم للأشخاص who

    - used for things in the objective and subjective cases للأشياء which

    -used for both person and things ( in the subjective and objective cases .) لأشخاص و لأشياء that

    هذا مهم جدا لان ممكن يأتي سؤال في الامتحان اربط الجمل بضمير مناسب
    Join the following sentences using a suitable relative pronoun?

    How to join \ combine two simple sentences using a relative pronoun?
    كيف نربط الجملة بالضمائر who, that>>>>

    Follow the following steps:
    قم بإتباع الخطوات التالية :
    1) Define the antecedent and (the noun or the pronoun) that refers to.
    حدد الاسم أو الضمير الذي تدل عليه الضميرthat /who/which
    2) Write the first sentence till the antecedent.
    اكتب الجملة الأولى حتى الكلمة التي يدل عليها الضمير
    3) Add a suitable relative pronoun. اضف الضمير المناسب سواء للأشخاص او للأشياء.....
    4) Write the second sentence. أكتب الجملة الثانية
    5) Delete the pronoun (noun) that refers to the antecedent.
    قم بحذف الكلمة المكررة ( الكلمة التي يشير لها الضمير و موجودة في الجملة الأولى.
    Examples: أمثلة
    I saw the man. He treated the injured boy.
    I saw the man who treated the injured boy.
    هنا شطبنا كلمة he لانها تعود على كلمة the man
    ,و نفس الشئ في الجمل التالية
    The little girl is excellent. She broke her leg.
    The little girl who broke her leg is excellent.

    The writer wrote a book. It talks about Palestine.
    The writer wrote a book which talks about Palestine.

    The relative Clauses can be: يوجد نوعين من هذه الجمل
    1) Defining relative clause.
    2) Non_defining relative clause

    Defining relative clauses

    Defining relative clause gives necessary information to the meaning of the sentence.
    The teacher who wears a jacket is professor Rashid.

    has two forms: a) defining relative clause
    Full form (its characteristics)
    1) Commas are not used to separate relative clauses from the rest of the sentence.
    2) (That) is freely used instead of (who) or (which).
    ممكن نستخدم thatبدل who / which
    San Francisco is a city. It welcomes different cultures.
    San Francisco is a city which welcomes different cultures.
    San Francisco is a city that welcomes different cultures.

    Sami is the person. He must complete the form.
    Sami is the person who must complete the form
    Sami is the person that must complete the form

    b) Full or reduced (its characteristics)
    1) Commas are not used to separate relative clauses from the rest of the sentence.
    2) (That) is freely used instead of (who) or (which). ممكن نستخدم thatبدل who / which

    3) If the relative pronoun is the object of the clause, it can be omitted (we call this clause reduced clause)

    This is the train. I bought it.
    Full: This is the train which I bought.
    Full: This is the train that I bought.
    Reduced: This is the train I bought.
    بإمكانك حذف ضمير الوصل والفعل في الحالات التالية:

    a) إذا كان ما بعدها شبه جملة جار ومجرور.
    The man who is in the house is my father.
    The man in the house is my father.

    b) الفعل بعدها مستمرا.
    The man who is swimming in the lake is my father.
    The man swimming in the lake is my father.

    c) ما بعدها فاعل جديد وفعل.
    My house which you visited few years ago was sold

    4) If the relative pronoun is the subject of the clause, it can't be omitted.
    لا يمكن حذف الضمير

    This is the building. It is very big.
    This is the building which is very big.

    لا تحذف ضمير الوصل والفعل في الحالات التالية:
    a- صفة إذا جاء بعدهما
    The man who is angry is my father. ( ممنوع الحذف)
    b- إذا جاء بعدهما اسم.
    man who is a doctor is my father
    c- be لا تحذف ضمير الوصل إذا تبعه فعل غير.
    The man who likes Maklubeh is my father.

    whoseإياك وحذف ضمير الوصل

    Non- defining relative clauses
    Non- defining relative clause is a clause that supplies additional information about the head noun.
    Mr. Faris, who is very tall, is a secondary school teacher..
    ملاحظة هامة: في هذا النوع ممنوع حذف الضمير منعا باتا
    Important points:ملاحظات مهمة

    1) Commas are usually used to separate relative clauses from the rest of the sentence.
    who/which يكون هناك عادة فواصل بين الجملة و جملة

    2) (that) cannot be used instead of (who ) or ( which ) . who , which بدلthat هنا ممنوع استخدام

    3) (who) or (which ) cannot be omitted . who ,which ممنوع حذف

    The difference( in meaning ) between (non-restrictive ( non- defining ) relative clause) and restrictive ( defining ) relative clause .

    The students, who studied well, passed the exam.
    It means that all of the students studied well and all of the students passed the exam.

    We have forty students. Students who studied well passed the exam.
    This means that only some of the students studied well and some of them passed the exam.

    Exercises:أسئلة على ما سبق
    • Cross out the relative pronouns where it is possible to leave them out.
    1. The man who was speaking to you gave me this book.
    2. The lady who you want her she has just left.
    3. The book that I was reading it yesterday it was a detective story.
    4. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
    5. Where is there a shop which sells picture postcards.
    6. Grass, which cows and horses love, it is always green in England.

    Add the second sentence to the first as a non-defining relative clause.
    1. Geometry seems a very dull subject. I know nothing about it.
    2. When you check the various offers, ask yourself whether they are really useful or not. You ought to make time to do this.
    3. My sister Sally is coming with us. You met her yesterday.
    4. You can use your card to get money from the cash machine. These are called ATMs in American English.

    about – idea, opinion, story
    for – need, request, wish
    in – decrease, fall, rise
    of – amount, explanation, result
    on – information, opinion, report
    to – attention, introduction, invitation
    with – difficulty, problem, trouble

    Nouns with different prepositions
    for different purposes:
    argument about something with somebody
    discussion about/of something with somebody
    effect of something on somebody
    Unit 8 Your future world of work
    Unit 7 Dealing with stress
    about – anxious, sorry,worried
    at – amazed, good, terrible
    for – late, ready, responsible
    of – afraid, proud, tired
    about – ask, think,worry
    at – look, shout, smile
    for – look, pay, search
    from – borrow, differ, escape
    in – believe, specialise, succeed
    of – consist, remind, taste
    on – agree, decide, rely

    Verbs with different prepositions
    for different purposes:
    apply to somebody for something
    talk to somebody about something
    write to somebody about something

    Some words can take different prepositions for roughly the same purpose, e.g.: explanation of/for,
    information on/about. بعض الكلمات لها أكثر من حرف جر ....

    Prepositions are used a lot to help say where things are and where they are going.
    هناك حروف جر تستخدم للاشارة الى اين و متى( الزمان و المكان)
    Prepositions of Place:
    Preposition حرف الجر Example مثال
    above We were flying above the clouds
    around Everyday, we run around the playground
    at He works at the hospital
    behind Don’t forget to lock the door behind you
    below Please, don’t write below this line
    beside I keep a dictionary beside me when I am reading English
    between Jordan lies between Palestine and Iraq
    beyond The road continues beyond the village up into the hills
    by We had a day by the sea
    in He lives in a small village
    in front of The bus stops in front of our house
    near I don’t like to sit near the chalkboard
    next to I sat next to my uncle on the sofa
    on Put the book on the table, please
    opposite The bank is opposite the post office

    Prepositions of movement:
    Preposition حرف الجر Example مثال
    across When you want to cross the road, look right and left
    along Go along this road then turn left
    away from The wind took our tent away from it’s place
    down The store rolled down the hill
    from He comes home from work at 7 pm
    into I saw your father coming into the school
    onto The child climbed up onto his father’s shoulders
    out of He ran out of the room
    over She spread a cloth over the table
    past He hurried past me without stopping
    round The earth moves round the sun
    through Cars are not allowed to go through old city
    to He went to the market
    towards The child came running towards me
    under The water flows under the bridge
    up He walked up the hill

    lvh[um gyi hk[gd.di hg,p]hj 6-9 wt 12

    الملفات المرفقةالملفات مرفقة في الاسفل الملفات المرفقة

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