نموذج امتحان نهاية الفصل الدراسي الأول

السلطة الوطنية الفلسطينية

مادة الامتحـان:

اللغة الإنجليزية
وزارة التربية والتعليم العالي

عدد الصفحات:
صفحتان الصــــف:

التاسع الأساسي

لتحميل الملف
نموذج امتحان نهاية الفصل الدراسي الأول للصف التاسع لغة انجليزية we9.gif


نموذج امتحان نهاية الفصل الدراسي الأول
السلطة الوطنية الفلسطينية
مادة الامتحـان:اللغة الإنجليزية
وزارة التربية والتعليم العالي
عدد الصفحات:صفحتان
الصــــف:التاسع الأساسي

( 5 Marks) I .Listening
1. Listen to the then answer the questions:
a) Listen and tick ( √ ) or ( × ) :-
1- Sami and Mike are friends. ( )
2- Sami and Mike are at hospital. ( )
3- Sami will see a dentist. ( )
b) Listen and choose the right answer:
1- Mike had a bad ………………….. ( flu – headache – earache).
2- Sami advised Mike to ……………………… ( exercise – have a rest - take a medicine).
II. Speaking ( 5 Marks)
2. Match A with B:
Can I have your passport?
I've had a bad headache.
How is your exam?
Here you are.
Our team won the cup
It's very easy.
What's wrong with you?
We'd better hurry.
We're too late.
You should see a doctor.
I'm coughing more and more.
3. Write what you would say in the following situations:
1- you see someone you haven't seen for a long time.
2- You ask about the way to the bank.
III. Reading Comprehension ( 12 Marks)
4. Read the following passage then answer the questions:
Istanbul is the only city in the world that stands on two continents. Sultan Mohammad Al-Fateh gave it this name after the Turkish conquest in 1453. It used to be the capital of many empires in ancient times. Istanbul has many great buildings . For example, the great church of Aya Sofia that is 1,500 years old. Also the famous Blue Mosque which has six minarets and several domes. Topkapi Palace is also a great building because it was the home of the sultans and the centre of government for the Empire. Seven thousand people lived and worked there.
a. Answer the following questions:
1. How many minarets does the Blue Mosque have?
2. Why is Topkapi Palace a great building?
b. Put ( T ) or ( F ):
3. Seven hundred people lived in the Topkapi Palace. ( )
4. Sultan Mohammad Al-Fateh gave Istanbul its name. ( )

c. Choose the right answer:
5. Topkapi is a ……………………… ( hospital – mosque – palace)
6. The underlined pronoun ( there) refers to ……………………………….. ( The Blue Mosque- Topkapi Palace – Byzantium)
d. Find from the passage:
7. The opposite of a. took: ………………. b. modern : …………………...
8. The meaning of a. well-known : ……………….. b. just : ………………..
( 10 Marks) IV .Vocabulary
5. Complete the sentences with words from the box :
respect - recognise - collections - materials - measure - rural
1. I can ……………………….. her but I can't remember her name.
2. In fact the …………………………. life is a very simple life.
3. Huda has a very good ………………………….. of stamps.
4. We use a thermometer to ……………………. temperature.
5. Concrete , mud and bricks are …………………….. for building.
6. Match the words to form pairs with opposite meanings:


V . ( 10 Marks)
7. Choose the correct answer :
1. The football match ( hadn't – hasn't – haven't ) started yet .
2.When I called her , she ( was watching – watches – watching) TV.
3. The driver ( have to – has to – had to ) stop when the light is red.
4. This computer is ( enough – to – too ) slow to do this calculation.
8. Correct the underlined mistakes in the following sentences:
1. Mr. Ali has already find his key.
2. People used to travelled by camels in the past.
3. It hasn’t rained here since two months.
4. January is the colder month in the year.
9. Do as shown in brackets:
1. You're too young to drive this car . ( Use : not …………. enough)
2. He studied hard . He got a very high mark. ( Use : so )

VI. Writing ( 8 Marks)
Rearrange the following sentences: 10.
1. ever – seen – Have – a – you – mountain?
2. without – for – Camels – two – weeks – walk – could - water
11. Punctuate the following sentences :
1. al aqsa mosque and the dome of the rock are both in jerusalem
2. has she been working in ramallah for a long time
12.Answer these questions to write a paragraph:
1. What chores do you have to do at home ?
2. Did you have to wash the dishes when you were young ?
3. Did you have to sleep early each night when you were young?
4. Do you usually help your mother at housework?
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Sami and Mike are friends. They are at football training.
Sami: You don't look well, Mike. What's wrong with you?
Mike : I had a bad flu.
Sami : You should go home and have a rest. You shouldn't exercise today.
Mike : You're right . I know I should.

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